Books are food for my soul! Pull up a beach chair and stick your toes in the sand as the Jersey surf rolls in and out, now open your book and let your imagination take you away.

Wednesday, July 31, 2013

Downward Dog by Edward Vilga (Author Guest Post / Book Review)

In association with Diversion Books, Jersey Girl Book Reviews is pleased to host the virtual book tour event for Downward Dog by author Edward Vilga!

Author Guest Post 

My Confessions (or Not?)

The #1 question I’m asked about my new novel DOWNWARD DOG is how autobiographical is the material.

I understand why I’m asked –– it is the tale of a yoga instructor in NYC with a meteoric rise and, for a decade, I was a yoga instructor in NYC who experienced some stratospheric successes, ranging from sold-out classes to TV appearances to even teaching in Times Square.

Beyond that, my hero and I are both extremely handsome (let’s just be honest!) and also Yale graduates from blue-collar families who began teaching yoga during uncertain times in our lives.

There are, of course, countless differences in our life stories and our bios (he’s over a decade younger than me, for example, and he’s a trying-to-reform womanizer ––which I am not). He also wants to become a night-life tzar, something –– even though I love a good nightcap –– that I’ve never even considered.

We do, however, share a streak of mischief and a talent for getting ourselves into various jams, something that makes for interesting plot-lines in a novel but can be exasperating for one’s closest friends in real life.

It’s a very mixed bag, therefore, of how much is directly me and how much is utterly fictionalized. You’d have to shadow me for a while to find out, and even then I think the results would be muddy.

I’m also often asked about how many of the student-teacher encounters in my novel are based on my own experience, and I’ve actually thought a lot about how directly I’m writing about other people in my life.

In some ways, Anne Lamott said it best: "You own everything that happened to you. Tell your stories. If people wanted you to write warmly about them they should've behaved better."

In fact, I’m actually a character in two friend’s novels, making mostly cameo appearances and fortunately I come across rather well (and oddly in both of them, I’m named “Richard” even though the two writers have never met.)

I certainly never wrote DOWNWARD DOG as a “Tell All.” And while I have definitely lifted many moments of my real life experiences as a teacher, I’ve always radically changed the details and blended experiences and individuals in a way that preserves every student’s anonymity. One pivotal character, for example, says something to me that my first employer uttered 15 years before in a completely different context, while another is an amalgamation of at least 3 different students.

Perhaps most importantly, I’m genuinely fond of all my characters, even and perhaps especially, of the ones that “misbehave” the most.

Diana Vreeland, when confronted by the impossibilities of some of the narrative in her autobiography was asked, “Is this fact or fiction?” She replied, “Faction” since, as she once explained, "why not make a story more interesting?"

Although some of my yoga teacher adventures I’ve actually had to make a little LESS interesting for the mass audience, I found that the process is pretty much the same.

On the one hand, almost everything in DOWNWARD DOG is completely made up ... and on the other, it pretty much all happened (one way or another).

In the end, you’ll going to have to ply me with martinis late at night to get me to elaborate any further.

And P.S. I welcome the invitation whole-heartedly.

About The Author

Edward Vilga is a writer who has had seven books published (many of which involve yoga) and written and directed two feature films.

His novel DOWNWARD DOG was published in June 2013 by Diversion Books.

Edward Vilga's last yoga book and DVD, YOGA IN BED, hit #1 on for all of wellness after he appeared on REGIS & KELLY and CBS' EARLY SHOW and after his book was featured in PEOPLE Magazine.

In addition, YOGA IN BED has been positively reviewed in over 40 publications and translated into more than a dozen languages.

Another favorite of his books is UPWARD DOG which tells the story of how-despite being described as a "legendary yoga master"--no one has taught him more about life and spirituality than his chocolate lab Belle.

Edward Vilga is a Yale graduate.


Downward Dog - Book Trailer

Book Review

Downward Dog by Edward Vilga
Publisher: Diversion Books
Publication Date: June 9, 2013
Format: eBook - 306 pages / Kindle - 620 KB / Nook - 2 MB
ISBN: 9781626810150
Genre: Chick Lit / Contemporary Romance / Yoga / Women's Fiction

BUY THE BOOK: Downward Dog

Disclaimer: I received a copy of the book from the author / publisher in exchange for my honest review and participation in a virtual book tour event hosted by Diversion Books. 

Book Description:

A study in love, loss, and sexual misadventures in New York City, DOWNWARD DOG tells the tale of a handsome Bad Boy who becomes a yoga instructor while trying to redeem his womanizing ways and win the forgiveness of the only woman he’s ever really loved.

Down on his luck thanks to a failed nightlife venture which fell apart because of his womanizing, our hero’s stuck with massive debt and broken dreams.

His only safe haven is the yoga world, and when his well-connected best buddy launches his yoga career among NYC’s elite, our working class hero becomes a guru to society’s top 1%, a wolf let loose amongst a flock of comely sheep.

Book Excerpt:

My Book Review:

Downward Dog is a hilariously entertaining tale that follows the journey of "Dog," a New York City hipster/ player that loves the nightlife, ladies and yoga. Written in the first person narrative, Dog takes the reader on a wild roller coaster ride as he starts a new year determined to turn his life around and win back the heart of a woman that he had let down.

Filled with amusing introspection and insights into the NYC urban hipster lifestyle, elite NYC society, yoga practices, and his own sexual prowess, emotions and failings, Dog's Alpha male personality comes shining through in a tale that captivates the reader, and provides them with a lot of laugh-out-loud comedic moments. Dog's colorful way of viewing his life and the world around him is a mixture of tragedy, comedy, and thoughtful introspection, his journey will teach him valuable life lessons, while his transformation will help him find his true path in life.

This was such a fun book to read, but I have to admit that in the beginning I wasn't a huge fan of Dog. I found him to be an egotistical, womanizing, stuck-on-himself kind of guy that seriously needed to be knocked down a peg or two. But once I was able to stop rolling my eyes and looked past his non-stop carousing of the NYC nightlife and over active sexual debauchery, I got a chance to see his sincere introspective take on the last six months of his life and his love of yoga. It was then that I saw the true guy inside that was really hiding in the wolf's clothes. Dog's journey is filled with a mixture of dramatic and comedic trials and tribulations, I found myself cheering for Dog and hoping that he'd get the redemption that he sought. The only thing that irked me was that the author didn't provide Dog with a real name, but then again as his story unfolded, I realized that Dog was an appropriate name for our flawed main character.

I would be remiss if I didn't mention that the author's personal and professional knowledge and experience in the field of practicing yoga is phenomenally interwoven throughout the story. With richly detailed and descriptive yoga poses and illustrations that are highlighted before each chapter, the reader gets a mini course in yoga that is sure to peak their interest.

With a cast of quirky characters who leap off the pages; witty dialogue and humorous interactions; and a yoga themed storyline that features drama, comedy, sexual escapades, romance, and enlightenment, Downward Dog is a thoroughly fascinating and entertaining story that is the perfect summer beach read!


Virtual Book Tour Schedule

July 22: 
July 23: 
July 24: 
July 25:
July 26: 
July 28: 
July 30:
July 31:
July 31:

Monday, July 29, 2013

The Rockin' Chair by Steven Manchester (Book Review)

In association with Providence Book Promotions, Jersey Girl Book Reviews is pleased to host the virtual book tour event for The Rockin' Chair by author Steven Manchester!

Book Review

The Rockin' Chair by Steven Manchester
Publisher: The Story Plant
Publication Date: June 18, 2013
Format: Paperback - 272 pages / Kindle - 548 KB / Nook - 669 KB
ISBN: 161188067X
Genre: Contemporary Fiction

BUY THE BOOK: The Rockin' Chair

Disclaimer: I received a copy of the book from the author / publisher in exchange for my honest review and participation in a virtual book tour event hosted by Providence Book Promotions.

Book Description:

Memories are the ultimate contradiction. They can warm us on our coldest days – or they can freeze a loved one out of our lives forever. The McCarthy family has a trove of warm memories. Of innocent first kisses. Of sumptuous family meals. Of wondrous lessons learned at the foot of a rocking chair. But they also have had their share of icy ones. Of words that can never be unsaid. Of choices that can never be unmade. Of actions that can never be undone.

Following the death of his beloved wife, John McCarthy – Grandpa John – calls his family back home. It is time for them to face the memories they have made, both warm and cold. Only then can they move beyond them and into the future.

A rich portrait of a family at a crossroad, The Rockin’ Chair is Steven Manchester’s most heartfelt and emotionally engaging novel to date. If family matters to you, it is a story you must read.

Book Excerpt:

Elle picked up Evan, Tara and Lila at the airport. As she approached the threesome, she gasped at the sight of her emaciated daughter. For a few moments, Tara’s eyes scanned every inch of her mother’s face before she spread her twig-like arms. Elle hugged her, then pulled away and peered into her sunken eyes. “Are you sick?” she asked.

While Tara shrugged, Elle grabbed Evan for a hug. “I’ll explain it on the way,” he whispered in her ear.

Lila stood there, looking up at her grandmother—curiously.

Elle bent down and smiled at the baby. “Hello, my love,” she whispered, “Grandma’s waited much too long to meet you.” The little girl was a living doll. She had Tara’s strawberry blond curls and the same dark eyes as Alice.

Lila grinned. “Hi, Gramma,” she said, and never flinched when Elle scooped her up and kissed her cheek.

Elle looked back at Tara and could feel her eyes swell with tears.

“Grandma?” Evan asked, grabbing her attention.

Elle shook her head, the tears beginning to cascade down her tired face.

“When?” he asked.

Elle reached for his hand. “Last night…right in Grampa’s lap.”

“In the rockin’ chair?” he asked, his voice cracking.

Elle nodded again.

Evan’s eyes filled. “Where else?” he said.

Elle noticed the confusion in her daughter’s eyes and thought, She’s so out of it.

Before Elle could explain, Evan leaned into Tara’s ear and filled it with the bad news. “We’re one day too late. Grandma passed away last night.”

Though delayed, Tara burst into tears.

As they left the airport terminal, Elle walked alongside Evan. “How did you find her in New York?” she asked in a whisper. “Her cell phone’s been turned off for weeks.” She looked back at her daughter, who was already lagging behind.

“It wasn’t easy,” he said, and shook his head. “Let’s just say…thank God I did.”

My Book Review:

The Rockin' Chair is the poignant story about the strong bonds of family, love, forgiveness and precious memories. "In the end, all we have is our memories ... good or bad." ~ Grandpa John McCarthy

Author Steven Manchester has written another amazing story about family! The Rockin' Chair is an inspirational story that reaches out and tugs at the reader's heart strings and penetrates their soul.

Set in the picturesque mountain valley setting of Montana, the reader follows the McCarthy clan as their journey of coming home to make peace with the past is achieved through love and forgiveness at the urging of the family patriarch, Grandpa John, after the death of his beloved wife Alice from Alzheimer's. Grandpa John's mission was to bring his family together and help mend their tattered lives, so that they could renew the strong bonds of family through the wise old adage that the passage of time heals all wounds, for all that is left will be the precious memories that have been made. As each of the family members' trials and tribulations unfold, their story comes full circle at the hands of a gentle man who had lovingly carved their family legacy on the seat of his beloved rocking chair.

It is a beautiful story that every reader can relate to, the author provides the reader with a chance to reflect upon their own families, and leaves them with the gentle reminder that in the end what is important and matters the most is family. I can't say enough about this masterpiece, the author has a wonderful way of weaving a story that is rich in detail and descriptions that easily transports the reader into the McCarthy family's world.

As a licensed NJ Nursing Home Administrator, who has worked in the long term health care field for nearly twenty years, I applaud the thoughtful attention that the author gives in his depiction of Alice's decline due to Alzheimer's disease. Alzheimer's is a merciless disease that slowly progresses and steals a person's mind, diminishes the recollection of their life and their memories, leaving them to become a mere shadow of who they used to be. It is devastating and heartbreaking for the family, knowing that there is nothing they can do but sit and watch their loved one decline. Kudos Mr. Manchester, your accurate depiction was spot on, it is an unfortunate situation that occurs every day to families throughout the world.

With a wonderful cast of characters who you can't help but fall in love with, and a tender storyline that will keep you reaching for the box of tissues, The Rockin' Chair is a powerful and compelling story that is a must read, it will resonate with the reader for a very long time.

The Rockin' Chair is a tenderhearted, emotional, and inspirational story of family, love, loss, faith and life lessons. It is a story that will remind you to take the time to appreciate your life and family, for time goes by so quickly, before you know it, it is over in the blink of an eye.


About The Author

Steven Manchester is the author of the #1 bestseller Twelve Months, Goodnight, Brian, and several other books. His work has appeared on NBC’s Today Show, CBS’s The Early Show, CNN’s American Morning and BET’s Nightly News. Recently, three of Manchester’s short stories were selected “101 Best” for the Chicken Soup for the Soul series.

The Rockin' Chair by Steven Manchester ~ Virtual Book Tour Page: Providence Book Promotions

Virtual Book Tour Schedule

Tour Host Participants:

This linky list is now closed.

Friday, July 26, 2013

Virtual Book Tour Events: Week of 7/28 - 8/3/13

Virtual Book Tour Events: Week of 7/28 - 8/3/13

Monday 7/29/13

The Rockin' Chair by Steven Manchester

In association with Providence Book Promotions

Book Review 

Book Description: The Rockin' Chair

Memories are the ultimate contradiction. They can warm us on our coldest days – or they can freeze a loved one out of our lives forever. The McCarthy family has a trove of warm memories. Of innocent first kisses. Of sumptuous family meals. Of wondrous lessons learned at the foot of a rocking chair. But they also have had their share of icy ones. Of words that can never be unsaid. Of choices that can never be unmade. Of actions that can never be undone.

Following the death of his beloved wife, John McCarthy – Grandpa John – calls his family back home. It is time for them to face the memories they have made, both warm and cold. Only then can they move beyond them and into the future.

A rich portrait of a family at a crossroad, The Rockin’ Chair is Steven Manchester’s most heartfelt and emotionally engaging novel to date. If family matters to you, it is a story you must read.

Wednesday 7/31/13

Downward Dog by Edward Vilga

In association with Diversion Books

Author Guest Post / Book Review

Book Description: Downward Dog

A study in love, loss, and sexual misadventures in New York City, Downward Dog tells the tale of a handsome Bad Boy who becomes a yoga instructor while trying to redeem his womanizing ways and win the forgiveness of the only woman he’s ever really loved.

Down on his luck thanks to a failed nightlife venture which fell apart because of his womanizing, our hero’s stuck with massive debt and broken dreams.

His only safe haven is the yoga world, and when his well-connected best buddy launches his yoga career among NYC’s elite, our working class hero becomes a guru to society’s top 1%, a wolf let loose amongst a flock of comely sheep.

Friday 8/2/13

Crisis of Identity by Denise Moncrief

In association with Chick Lit Plus Blog Tours

Author Guest Post / Book Review / Contest Giveaway

Book Description: Crisis of Identity

Tess Copeland is an operator. Her motto? Necessity is the mother of a good con. When Hurricane Irving slams into the Texas Gulf coast, Tess seizes the opportunity to escape her past by hijacking a dead woman’s life, but Shelby Coleman’s was the wrong identity to steal. And the cop that trails her? He’s a U.S. Marshall with the Fugitive Task Force for the northern district of Illinois. Tess left Chicago because the criminal justice system gave her no choice. Now she’s on the run from ghosts of misdeeds past—both hers and Shelby’s.

Enter Trevor Smith, a pseudo-cowboy from Houston, Texas, with good looks, a quick tongue, and testosterone poisoning. Will Tess succumb to his questionable charms and become his damsel in distress? She doesn’t have to faint at his feet—she’s capable of handling just about anything. But will she choose to let Trevor be the man? When Tess kidnaps her niece, her life changes. She must make some hard decisions. Does she trust the lawman that promises her redemption, or does she trust the cowboy that promises her nothing but himself?

Looming Murder by Carol Ann Martin (Author Guest Post / Book Review / Contest Giveaway)

In association with Chick Lit Plus Blog Tours, Jersey Girl Book Reviews is pleased to host the virtual book tour event for Looming Murder by author Carol Ann Martin!

Author Guest Post

Why I went from self-publishing to traditional publishing.

Not everybody who reads my Looming Murder novel knows that I also write as Monique Domovitch. When they make the connection, one thing they often wonder about is why I went from self-publishing to working with a traditional publisher. The answer is that writing is my passion—not publishing, not promoting, not advertising. Writing is what I love.

The book as a product.

Imagine for a moment that you are an inventor and have just invented a new gadget. You’ve invested hours of your time creating it, and you’ve shown it to your mother, your spouse, your best friend and the mailman. Everyone agrees that your product is brilliant. You are certain that your invention will sell by the thousands—just as soon as you can find a manufacturer to produce it, and then stores to sell it.

This is the position in which I found myself when I finished my first novel. I’d worked long and hard on my book. I’d made it as entertaining or educational as I possibly could. I felt sure that if only a publisher would please, please publish and distribute it, the book would work its way to the bestseller lists all on its own.

Some daunting statistics:

According to a 2003 survey from the Jenkins Group, Inc., a Michigan publishing services firm, 81 percent of Americans feel they should write a book. I believe that. We all know somebody who dreams of someday writing a book. Not counting myself, I know at least a dozen such people.

If we do a bit of calculating, taking into consideration that there are 312,700,742 people living in the United States, 81 % means that 253,287,601 of Americans dream of writing a book; and according to another statistic, only 10 % of them will actually attempt it, which brings the number down to 25,328,760. We’re still talking a lot of people here. Of those, only about 10% actually finish a book, bringing the number down to 2,532,876—still a lot of people. Of those, only 10% actually find an agent and only another 5 % get published. That’s brings the total to 12,664, which in my estimation is still an impossibly large number of people. No wonder it’s so difficult to get noticed among all those writers.

Some great books never get published.

When I looked at these numbers, the first thing that I thought was that surely, among the books that were rejected, there must be some that are so great that, given a chance, would have become best sellers. But for one reason or another they just didn’t get picked up.

So if you are an author wannabe, as I was, and have devoted time and energy to your novel, and are sure your book is wonderful, what are you supposed to do? I wasn’t willing to let that manuscript gather dust somewhere. I didn’t want to abandon my ambition of being an author.

The alternative was to start my own business.

I decided there was another alternative—self publishing. That’s right. What in the old days they used to call vanity publishing, which, by the way, is a term to which I take offense. If we were talking about any other product than a book, people would applaud the efforts of the inventor for manufacturing his product. They would see this person’s effort for what it truly is, entrepreneurship. Yes. That is exactly what the self-published author is, an entrepreneur. He is the inventor of a product about which he feels so strongly that he chooses to invest into the production, advertising and distribution of it.

Self-publishing as a business.

However, like anybody starting a business, I had to approach self-publishing like the business it is. This meant doing the homework, starting with finding out what kind of books are selling. I’m talking here about, not only subject and/or genre, but also physical format. Should I go for hardcover? Paperback? eBook? I needed to know the cost of producing my books and estimate how many I needed to sell to break even. I also needed to know about advertising, which meant not only paid advertising but also social media.

Can an author make money by self-publishing?

We’ve all heard of the self-published authors who have sold over 1,000,000 books without the benefit of traditional publishing houses. There are also countless authors, who sell enough of their books to not only cover their costs but to make a profit. But here again, those almost impossibly high statistics come into play. Of all the people who self-publish, only a fraction sell many.

So, yes, I could make money self-publishing, and in fact I did surprisingly well. But the hard truth was that once I went that route, it seemed as if I was doing everything BUT write. I was so busy pushing sales that I had no time to sit down and do what I like best, writing. So, when an agent who read my work asked, I jumped. And I’ve been typing away happily ever since.

About The Author

Carol Ann Martin is a pen name. The author lives with her husband and an ever expanding family of dogs. They travel extensively and she is never seen without her laptop. When is not writing or traveling, she bakes and weaves.

Looming Murder by Carol Ann Martin ~ Virtual Book Tour Page: Chick Lit Plus Blog Tours

Book Review

Looming Murder by Carol Ann Martin
Book 1: A Weaving Mystery Series
Publisher: Penguin Publishing
Publication Date: June 4, 2013
Format: Paperback - 337 pages / Kindle - 548 KB / Nook - 879 KB
ISBN: 0451413601
Genre: Cozy Mystery 

BUY THE BOOK: Looming Murder

Disclaimer: I received a copy of the book from the author / publisher via NetGalley in exchange for my honest review and participation in a virtual book tour event hosted by Chick Lit Plus Blog Tours.

Book Description:

Della Wright has come to peaceful and picturesque Briar Hollow, at the foot of the Blue Ridge Mountains, to realize her lifelong dream of owning a weaving studio. To promote her new business, Dream Weavers, Della is offering weaving workshops for all levels of ability. In her first class, she meets half a dozen of the town’s colorful characters, who seem as eager to gossip as to learn how to work a loom.

But when a shady local businessman is found murdered, Briar Hollow suddenly appears a lot less idyllic. And when one of her weaving students is suspected of the crime, Della can’t help getting entangled in the investigation—with some help from her criminologist friend, Matthew. But can she weave together clues as well as she weaves together yarn—and stop a killer from striking again?

*Features weaving tips!

Book Excerpt:

Chapter 1

Sometimes in middle of the night, I worried that this all might have been a huge mistake—this, being the leap I’d recently made. At the age of thirty-five, a time in life when—as my mother liked to point out—most sane women were either married and with children or just hitting their professional stride, I had left a perfectly good career as a business analyst to become a weaver. That’s right. A weaver.

But, whatever she thought, I didn’t arrive at this decision easily. A year ago, something happened that shook me to my core. I was accused of embezzling from my company, and if not for my proving to the authorities that my boss was the guilty party, right now I would be serving a ten-year jail term instead of him, just as sure as my name is Della Wright.

It’d been time for a change.

So, crazy or not, here I was in my new studio, waiting for somebody—anybody—to show up. I glanced at my watch again—six forty five, and still not a soul in sight.

I looked down at Winston, the French bulldog I’d inherited with the house where I was living and setting up shop. He wasn’t exactly the kind of dog I might have chosen for myself. My taste in pooches ran more along the tiny-poodle variety. In fact, I used to have a tiny poodle, and she was a lot prettier than the dog at my feet. Winston was thirty pounds of solid muscle on a squat frame, and with a flat face frozen in a perpetual grimace. Good God, the dog was ugly. Admittedly, though, for all his vicious appearance, he would have been about as effective as a lamb when it came to protecting me. Winston, or Winnie as I had nicknamed him, was more likely to lick an intruder to death than to chase him away. He was so sweet that I was beginning to actually like him.

I bent down to scratch his ear.

“You are my buddy, aren’t you?”

He glanced up at me with big, mournful eyes and yawned.

“Don’t worry, Winnie. People will show up, you’ll see.” He stared at me, looking less than convinced. Oh, God, people had to show up. I couldn’t have done all of this, only to fall flat on my face.

I’d moved here just over two months ago, and so far I’d hardly earned enough to keep me in java, my personal addiction. All the while I’d been spending, spending, spending: three new looms picked up on Craigslist (I needed those. Honestly! How was I supposed to give classes unless I had a few looms?); yarn—dozens upon dozens of gorgeous yarns I hadn’t been able to resist (what can I say—fate led me to that yarn shop two days before it closed); then there was the cost of fixing up my new abode.

Last Christmas, I’d admitted to my friend, Matthew Baker, just how miserable I felt. I wasn’t eating. I wasn’t sleeping. I was a zombie at work. Being branded a stoolpigeon and a whistleblower by one’s coworkers will do that to a person. That’s the damn thing about the investment industry, they’d more easily forgive a person of stealing than of reporting criminal activity from a superior. So rather than applaud me for giving the evidence to the SEC, my coworkers turned on me. It was a nightmare, living in a place where no one trusted you enough to share weekend plans.

Anyhow, after confiding in Matthew he very generously offered to lend me his house.

“I have just the place for you,” he’d said, going on to paint an idyllic picture of Briar Hollow, the small town at the foot of the Blue Ridge Mountains where he lived. He offered to switch places for a little over a week—I take his house, and he, my condo in Charlotte. “You’ll enjoy a much-needed vacation, and I’ll save myself two hours of daily commuting at the same time.”

Matthew had recently accepted a position teaching criminology at the University of Charlotte, a job he intended to leave just as soon as he realized his life dream—landing a publishing deal for a book on criminology. What he didn’t say, but I suspected, was that he’d also enjoy living closer to his girlfriend, Amanda, whom I referred to as Blondie. He had been dating Blondie for a couple of years, and even though she somehow always rubbed me the wrong way, the truth was she was perfectly nice.

I decided to take his offer. Ten days away from my job was exactly what I needed. Afterwards, I would go back to work refreshed and reenergized. Except...that’s not exactly what happened.

The further I got from Charlotte, the more I wondered, why just ten days? I’d always dreamed of opening my own weaving studio, a notion that my mother insisted was sweet and romantic, but hardly practical. (Poor mom, to this day, she could not accept that I was a grown woman who did not need her advice.) I had long ago folded away my dream and stored it into an almost forgotten corner of my mind. Weaving was perfectly fine as a hobby, and that was what it had become. Whenever the stress of my work became too much, I would sit and weave, sometimes far into the night.

It’s incredible just how soothing the process can be—the regular rhythmic throwing of the shuttle from hand to hand, and the beat of one’s foot pounding the treadles, not to mention the satisfaction of the completed project—ahhh, happiness.

In the past, I’d have reluctantly packed away the loom and trudged off to my real job in the morning. But when I got to Briar Hollow, I just kept thinking...why not? Why can't I do it? Maybe it was because I had nothing left to lose; few friends in Charlotte (lately, anyway), no job satisfaction, in fact, hardly a stable job at all, given how things were going.

The old fashioned gingerbread house was perfect. It had a living and dining-room combo separated by an arched doorway. I could open a shop in one, and in the sunny corner of the other, I could have a studio with an AVL loom—the one I’d always dreamed of owning. All I would have to do was convince Matthew that we should make our arrangement permanent.

“You want to live there?” Matthew had exclaimed when I told him my new idea. “You mean…full time?” I could almost hear the gears clicking in his mind. “Well...I suppose we could switch places until you find something permanent. There’d be no rush. I love living in your condo. It’s so close to my work—”and to Blondie, no doubt—“But Winston would have to stay with you,” he’d added. “He’d be miserable by himself in your small condo all day.”

We’d struck a deal. I would take care of Winston, and Matthew would stay in my condo until either one of us changed our mind, which I knew meant I could count on living here for as long as I wanted. I mean, honestly, anyone would be nuts to take a two-hour commute over a ten minute drive—right?

From then on, Matthew’s dog became my roommate, and I never looked back.

I named my studio Dream Weavers, and to help generate interest I announced weaving classes for all levels of ability. I also decided to organize weaving groups as a good and inexpensive way to promote my shop. Tonight’s group was for a charity project, making baby blankets for the local hospital. Well, it wasn’t really the local hospital. St Anthony’s was about ten miles out of town, nearer to Belmont than to Briar Hollow, which technically made it the closest hospital. I was hoping the charity angle would attract a mix of people, and that those with less weaving proficiencies might enroll in my classes. But it was now five minutes to seven and nobody was here. My earlier optimism was fast deflating.

I looked down at Winston. “What do you think, Winnie? People are bound to show up, right?”

He snorted.

“You are such a pessimist.”

For the tenth time, I pulled back the lace curtains and peeked outside. And—yes, at last—a car was pulling up. I hurried away from the window, coaxing Winston to follow. He lumbered behind me, a puzzled expression on his mug.

“Sorry Winnie, but you’ll have to stay in here.” I closed the kitchen door behind him and hurried to the front just as the bell above the door tinkled. A middle-aged woman with Lucille Ball hair and eyes heavy with makeup waddled in, carrying a large knitting bag. She set it down and brushed her hands over her zebra-printed Capri pants, which made her already-large behind look twice its size.

“Hello, hello,” she exclaimed. “I’m sorry I’m late.”

“You’re actually a few minutes early,” I smiled. “I’m Della Wright. Welcome to Dream Weaver.”

“Marnie Potter,” the woman said, fanning herself dramatically with a bejewelled hand. “My, but it’s hot in here. Don’t you have air conditioning?” Beads of moisture had gathered on her forehead. I thought it was humid rather than hot, but wasn’t about to argue.

“It is hot, isn’t it?” I looked around for a solution. “I’ll open a window. That should help. Oh, and I have a fan upstairs.” I hurried to the window, but no amount of struggling would get it to budge.

Marnie sighed and glanced around. “Where is everyone? I thought I was joining a group. We won’t produce very many baby blankets with just the two—”

At the sound of the bell, we both turned to see a pleasant looking, sandy-haired woman, wearing a tie-dyed, gauzy top over a pair of black yoga pants, hugging what was probably one of the tightest bodies I had ever seen. I wasn’t in the habit of ogling other women’s bodies, but this one could have been a walking advertisement for a health club—not a look I could ever hope to achieve with my short stature and gargantuan appetite. I was just lucky to weigh one hundred and fifteen and not two hundred and fifteen. I glanced at her tiny waist enviously. On second thought, I wouldn’t give up eating, not even for a tight body like hers. I studied her outfit. It was interesting—sexy, in a New Age or bohemian sort of way.

I became aware of my own Ralph Lauren natural-linen pants and Navaho-inspired beaded shirt, which identified me as exactly what I was—a city girl trying to fit into her new small-town life by dressing in a designer’s version of country duds. I suddenly felt self-conscious.

“Hi, I’m here for the weaving group.” She spotted the looms in the workshop. “And it looks like I’m in the right place.” She offered her hand. “Jenny Davis.” Her smile lit the room.

“Della Wright. I’m the owner.”

“Nice to meet you.” She looked around and nodded a hello to Marnie. “So you’re joining the group too?”

“I am.”

“You two know each other?”

Marnie chuckled. “This is Briar Hollow, sugar pie. Everybody knows each other around here.”

It was difficult for a city girl to conceive of a town being so small that everybody knew everybody. I really wasn’t in Charlotte anymore. That, however, had been the whole point of moving here. I’d wanted to live in a place where one could live their life at a slower pace. I’d wanted a home in a town where people said hello to each other on the street, where there was trust and loyalty and where the likelihood of being embroiled in an embezzlement case was non-existent.

Meanwhile, Jenny had wandered further into the room. “I’ve been dying to see what you did with the place. Oh, will you look at those.” She made a beeline to the maple hutch I’d salvaged from the garage next the house. I’d emptied it of car parts and an assortment of tools, and then waxed and polished that old piece until it glowed. Now, it was the display case for my fine-linen towels and dishcloths.

Jenny reverently touched one of the towels. “These are gorgeous. Did you make them?”

“I did. That one is a Swedish design called Monk Cloth. It’s also known as Huck embroidery.”

Marnie Potter approached. “That is fine work indeed. You’re very good.” Her tone was almost grudging.

“Thank you. I’m glad you think so. Weaving is my passion. I just hope I can make a living at it.” I was about to ask the women about their experience with weaving when the doorbell rang again.

“Hi, I’m here to weave baby blankets,” the young woman said, her gaze sweeping over Marnie and me, and then over the store. I had an immediate impression of a laser-sharp mind.

“Welcome to Dream Weaver. I’m Della. And you are...”

Her dark lashes flickered, and she smiled. “Susan Wood.” She extended her hand, her eyes focused on mine. “Nice to meet you.”

On second glance, Susan Wood was older than I’d first thought. She looked in her mid to late twenties, with auburn hair in a shoulder length blunt cut. She wore jeans and an open white shirt with rolled up sleeves over a T-shirt. That was how I should dress if I wanted to fit in. On second thought, scratch that. With my body, it was easy to look chubby rather than curvaceous. I would stick to Ralph Lauren. My body needed Ralph almost as much as it needed caffeine.

“Susan, why don’t you join the others? I’m sure I don’t have to introduce you. I’ll be right back.” I dashed upstairs and retrieved the fan from my bedroom, making a mental note to buy a couple more before the next meeting. When I returned to the front room, Marnie and Jenny were chatting away like old friends—which, for all I knew, they might well have been.

With excitement I heard the bell jingle again, but my cheer ebbed when a man walked in. He was tall and handsome in a business sort of way, looking to be in his late thirties to early forties and wearing a gray suit and tie. Surely he was not here for weaving. Everyone grew silent as they turned to stare.

He closed the door behind him and scowled. “Is this the place for the charity weaving group?”

“Yes, it is.” I set the fan on the floor. “Are you here to join the group?”

“What else would I be doing here?” he grumbled, looking about as pleased as a bear in a trap.

I sensed trouble. Why was it that every group had to have at least one churl?

My Book Review:

Cozy mysteries have always been one of my favorite genres, and author Carol Ann Martin doesn't disappoint me with her entertaining whodunit with a chick lit twist, Looming Murder, the first book in A Weaving Mystery series.

Written in the first person narrative, the readers follow the adventures of Della Wright, as she establishes her new weaving studio, Dream Weavers, in the picturesque small town of Briar Hollow, at the foot of the Blue Ridge Mountains. Hoping to promote her business and a chance to get to know the quirky townsfolk of Briar Hollow, Della offers weaving workshops for all levels of ability. But when Della stumbles upon the murder of a shady local prominent real estate businessman, and one of her students is accused of the murder, Della goes on a quest to find the real killer before they strike again.

Author Carol Ann Martin weaves a riveting tale filled with intriguing twists and turns, a long list of quirky suspects, and cleverly hidden clues interwoven throughout the story that keeps the reader engaged as they try to guess the identity of the murderer. And if that isn't enough to peak your interest, the reader is introduced to a idyllic small town setting with quirky townsfolk who provide some laugh-out-loud moments, a lovable French Bulldog named Winston ("Winnie"), a heroine who has romantic issues and a penchant for high heels, and even some interesting weaving tips.

This story easily peaked my interest, I loved the richly detailed and descriptive small town setting of Briar Hollow, the quirky characters, the subtle chick lit romance twist, and the chance to become an amateur sleuth following Della on her quest to solve the murder mystery. This is a fun whodunit that whets my appetite to continue to read the next installment in the series.

Looming Murder is an entertaining cozy mystery that engages the reader to immerse themselves into this fun whodunit as an amateur sleuth. As the reader tries to figure out the identity of the killer, the cleverly interwoven twists and turns, and unexpected surprise ending will shock even the best of sleuths!


Virtual Book Tour Contest Giveaway

Win A $20 Amazon Gift Card

Contest Dates: July 8-29, 2013

Everyone who leaves a comment on Looming Murder by Carol Ann Martin ~ Virtual Book Tour Page: Chick Lit Plus Blog Tours will be entered to win a $20 Amazon gift card! Anyone who purchases their copy of Looming Murder before July 29 and sends their receipt to, will get five bonus entries.

Virtual Book Tour Schedule

Tour Schedule:

July 8 – Between Boyfriends – Guest Post, Q&A & Excerpt
July 9 – Musings and Ramblings – Review
July 10 – Mary Castillo – Review & Guest Post
July 10 - Mary Castillo - Excerpt
July 11- Melissa’s Mochas, Mysteries & More – Guest Post
July 12 – Karma For Life Chick – Review
July 16 – Chick Lit Plus – Review
July 17 – Defining Women’s Evolution in Discovery Blog – Review & Guest Post
July 18 – Samantha March – Q&A & Excerpt
July 22- Storm Goddess Book Reviews – Review & Excerpt
July 23 – Every Free Chance Book Reviews – Guest Post
July 25 – Lavender & Camomile Press – Excerpt
July 26 – Jersey Girl Book Reviews – Review, Guest Post & Excerpt
July 29 – Keep Calm and Blog On – Review

Thursday, July 25, 2013

Hollywood Strip by Shamron Moore (Author Guest Post / Book Review)

In association with Pump Up Your Book! Virtual Book Publicity Tours, Jersey Girl Book Reviews is pleased to host the virtual book tour event for Hollywood Strip by author Shamron Moore!

Author Guest Post

Ode to Jackie

I wish Jacqueline Susann were here; I would love to thank her. The legendary novelist died well before I was born, but it was because of her breakthrough novel, Valley of the Dolls, that Hollywood Strip was born.

I first read VOTD four-and-a-half years ago. I love the film starring one of my all-time favorite beauties, Sharon Tate, and figured I may as well check the book out. It is a surprisingly sedate read--especially in comparison to the movie--with a melancholic undercurrent. As I flipped through the pages, I could literally smell the desperation permeating out of the main character’s pores. Susann didn’t just pen a morose tale of three young, glamorous women--oh, no. Where would be the fun in that? No, Susann gave us a twist: she incorporated promiscuity, substance abuse, abortion, suicide, and plastic surgery into the mix. These were shocking subjects for 1966, and the public devoured the book fervently. What’s ironic is these same issues are just as relevant now, nearly forty years later, as they were then, which leads me to conclude the following: Jacqueline Susann is the Godmother of Chick Lit. Before there was a Bushnell or Collins, there was a Susann.

What exactly VOTD stirred in me--was it the scandalousness, the sexuality, the sadness?--I’m not altogether sure. Perhaps some of Jennifer, Anne, and Neely’s escapades reminded me a little of my own. Maybe I was drawn to the duality, the combination of despondency and sensationalism. Or it could be I was intrigued with the author herself. Susann and I had similar circumstances; both only children, we had pursued acting in our twenties and rejected more simple, planned-out lives. Whatever the reasoning, a lightbulb in my head flickered on--I knew I had to write my own book. Never mind I knew nothing about writing books; I was fine with learning as I went along. After all, the Godmother hadn’t ever been published before her debut novel, Every Night, Josephine! If she could make it work, so could I.

Without VOTD, it’s doubtful I would have found the inspiration to compose Hollywood Strip. I suppose something or someone would have compelled me to create a project I was equally passionate about--though I can’t imagine what that would be. It’s safe to say I would be in a different place in life without the Godmother--and, as I’m really enjoying this current stage, my hat goes off to her!

About The Author

Shamron Moore became fascinated with Hollywood at a young age. She counts Ava Gardner, Greta Garbo, and Sharon Tate as early inspirations. In 2000, she left her home state of Michigan for the excitement of Los Angeles. Over the course of nearly eight years, she appeared in various international print publications, commercials, television shows, and feature films. She left the industry to focus on writing, one of her lifelong passions. Many of her experiences in Hollywood served as inspiration for Hollywood Strip. She has since written a sequel and is currently penning her third novel.

Hollywood Strip by Shamron Moore ~ Virtual Book Tour Page: Pump Up Your Book! Virtual Book Publicity Tours

Book Review

Hollywood Strip by Shamron Moore
Publisher: Forge Books
Publication Date: June 18, 2013
Format: Hardcover - 305 pages / Kindle - 449 KB / Nook - 735 KB
ISBN: 0765332302
Genre: Chick Lit / Women's Fiction

BUY THE BOOK: Hollywood Strip

Disclaimer: I received a copy of the book from the author / publisher in exchange for my honest review and participation in a virtual book tour event hosted by Pump Up Your Book Virtual Book Publicity Tours.

Book Description:

Callie Lambert is sexy, beautiful, ambitious—and undiscovered.

A young Midwestern girl moves to Hollywood in search of fame and fortune only to find success is more than she bargained for. Callie is a plucky young woman who knows exactly what she wants: fame, fortune, and a fabulous career as a Hollywood actress. A starring role in an unlikely hit movie and a romance with a sexy, chart-topping singer brings her instant notoriety. But in the City of Angels, overnight success is a breeding ground for money-hungry leeches and privacy-robbing paparazzi. She quickly discovers life as an on-the-rise starlet is not as glamorous as she once envisioned.

Dishing the dirt on the secret world of Hollywood’s nasty side, Hollywood Strip is a heartfelt story about ambition, empowerment, and what it means to make it in the City of Angels.

Book Excerpt:


Callie stared at her semi-nude reflection in the makeup room and exhaled. Lord, these lights are harsh. Calm yourself; Coquette magazine is known for its stellar lighting. She shifted her weight to her left hip and scrutinized her backside. Was that a dimple of cellulite? Impossible! Cellulite at just twenty-three wasn’t logical. She adjusted the band of her lace thong and squinted. Well, even if there were trace amounts of cottage cheese, the editors would make her skin cherub-smooth. Digital retouching was as common as bark on a tree trunk. It was just last week that she met December’s cover model and was stunned to see the girl’s face was as dewy as a slice of freeze-dried pineapple. In her photos, though, she appeared supple and luminous. Yessiree, it was all just a matter of retouching and lighting, a goof-proof formula.

“You look fabulous,” she told her reflection. Her concentration was interrupted by a knock on the door.

“Callie? You ready, babe?” Hannah, one of Coquette's long-term makeup artists, poked her head in the dressing room.

“Ready as I’ll ever be,” she said, and tied a silken robe around her waist. Her heart rate soared but she managed a smile. “Let’s do it.”

Hannah clapped her hands. “Now, that’s what I like to hear, my kind of girl. Everyone’s ready for you. I’ll do touch-ups on set.”

“Sounds good,” Callie muttered. Maybe they keep a supply of Patrón nearby.…

Hannah strode through the winding hallway with Callie trailing. Framed life-size photos of girls who had been in the magazine over the past four decades adorned the walls—maddeningly lush creatures who beckoned with parted, lacquered lips and eyes steeped in lust. Callie’s skin tingled. I can do that. That’s going to be me. I’m going to be up there with all of you bitches.

“We’re doing the classic fairy-tale bedroom setup. It’s the easiest way to get in the mood. Trust me, after twenty-two years, I know. Can’t go wrong with it,” said Hannah. She tapped the shoulder of a man peering through a tripod-propped camera. “Phil, our girl has arrived.”

Phil, an affable sixty-something man with a cropped white beard, looked up from his lens. “Wonderful. How are you today?”

Callie dug at her cuticles. “Good, thank you.”

“Go ahead and step into frame.”

She tiptoed to the middle of the room next to the four-poster bed. The satin sheets were perfectly rumpled. Perfume bottles and pearly trinkets covered the vintage-looking vanity. Airy curtains masked a mock bay window.

“Watch out, coming through!” A scruffy assistant narrowly missed bumping into her with an armful of cable cord.

“Yep, let’s start by the bed,” said Phil in response to Callie’s questioning look. “We’ll take it easy, let you get comfortable. I work slower than most photographers. I like to make sure I’ve got the shot; that could mean twenty frames or five hundred frames. We’ll shoot till I’m certain we’ve got the right look.”

“Gotcha,” she chirped while Hannah teased her roots.

“And don’t be nervous—I know you’ll be great.” Easy for him to say; he wasn’t about to balance in five-inch stilettos stark naked. “Don’t be afraid to move and mix it up, I’ll follow you. We’ll start off with some lingerie shots and gradually move into nudes. I want you to feel comfortable. Hannah, can you smooth that little piece behind her ear? That’s it … perfect.”

“I’ll take your robe,” Hannah said. Callie slid out of the garment and draped it over the older woman’s arm.

“And just remember, most importantly, Callie—don’t forget to have fun.” Phil’s smile crinkled the skin around his bright eyes. He couldn’t be any more different from what she had envisioned. Surely a man who photographed naked women for a living must be a lecherous pig, yes? But no. The complete opposite, in fact. She breathed a sigh of relief and her shoulders loosened. Perhaps she wasn’t going to need a shot of tequila after all!

She positioned her rear toward Phil, feet apart, breasts lightly pressed against the bedpost.

“Nice, dear, very nice. Tush out more, twist your upper half towards me … show me more of your breasts. Perfect. Hold that.” Click, click. “Flip your hair back for me.”

The tendrils cascaded down her back like curled ribbons and she gazed at him over her shoulder. This wasn’t so difficult.…

“Let’s lose the thong,” he said.

Already? She swallowed and timidly removed the garment. Screw it. What have I got to lose? All or nothing, baby. She faced Phil head-on and her eyes bored into the lens with laser-beam intensity. Hands cocked on hips, stark naked. The unanticipated adrenaline rush made her nipples erect. Coquette had found its next great sex symbol, she was certain.

Hours flew by at jet speed and by the end of the shoot she felt like a seasoned pro. Not that she was a novice to modeling; before moving to Los Angeles, she had posed for clothing catalogs and bridal ads in her hometown of Troy, Michigan, and filmed a commercial for a hair care company. But those jobs were for local and regional companies. And the biggest difference—she had been fully clothed.

Coquette was a global phenomenon. Founded in 1964 by French-born entrepreneur Yves Rousseau, the magazine was a clever mix of celebrity interviews, self-help, and fashion tips for the modern man. Each month a young woman was featured in a multipage layout in various states of undress. Though not considered smut by the majority of the public, the periodical grew racier with each passing year—legs became farther spread and pubic hair reached extinction—and the more Rousseau pushed the taste level, the farther Coquette slipped on the relevancy meter. Its heyday of the 1970s was long gone, but still, public interest remained and there was never a shortage of women hoping to be the next discovery.

The day she discovered Coquette was seared in Callie’s brain. “Come look at this,” Susannah, her next-door neighbor, had whispered, and pulled a stack of magazines out of a cardboard box. Two twelve-year-old girls on a Saturday afternoon in February. Snooping in Susannah’s basement. Virginia, Callie’s mother, allowed her to play at someone else’s house, for once. (Usually her chums had to come over to Callie’s. “It’s safer that way,” Virginia reasoned.) The models’ hips, breasts, and windblown tresses mesmerized the sixth-graders. “I hope I’m this beautiful when I grow up,” Callie sighed, and Susannah nodded her pigtailed head in agreement. Neither of their prepubescent bodies were developing fast enough for their liking. Callie especially desired a figure like her mother’s, a Jayne Mansfield build to replace her coltish shape. But the hips and breasts never fully sprouted. Her body remained several inches shy of the va-va-voom frame she craved.

Five cups of coffee and a can of hairspray later, Callie exited the set and gathered her belongings in the dressing room. Caffeine combined with adrenaline made her euphoric—high. She had given Phil her best and her poise hadn’t faltered during the entire shoot. Spot on. The come-hither smile (despite the agony of the back-snapping poses), the pout, the attitude … it all felt so right, so on. She eased her sore feet into a pair of Havaianas and rummaged through her purse. Where had she placed her car keys? Girlish chatter echoed from the hallway and a young woman entered the room. Her wheat-blond hair was pulled high in a ponytail and her nose was sprinkled with freckles. Without a speck of makeup, the girl was radiant. Callie’s confidence plunged several rungs.

“Hi, I’m Callie.” Better to break the ice.

“Rachel.” The girl snapped her chewing gum and threw her oversized tote on the makeup chair.

“Are you doing a test shoot, too?”

“Yeah, but I feel like hell. I do not want to be here. My head is killing me and I’m sore.” Rachel stretched her neck from side to side.

Wait until you’re under a slew of hot lights in skyscraper heels for hours, your body contorted in positions you never knew were possible, thought Callie. You want to talk about sore! “I hate photo shoots when I’m sick, too. The makeup artist has some Advil—I saw her taking some earlier.”

“What, are you, like, in kindergarten?” Rachel said. “Why don’t I just munch on Flintstones chewables and call it a day? Only a bottle of Vicodin could cure the way I feel. I’m so fucking hungover, I can’t even see straight, but what else is new. Welcome to the raw and randy world of Rachel O’Connor.” She looked Callie over with a curled lip and plopped on the floor. She drew her thighs up tight against her chest to shield any light from her face.

Must find keys ASAP.… She spotted them next to Rachel’s small but shapely derriere.

“Good luck,” Callie said, and darted out the door.

Rachel’s raspy reply came when Callie was halfway down the hall: “Yeah, whatever…”

Copyright © 2013 by Shamron Moore

My Book Review:

Who doesn't love reading a sassy tale about the people, glitz and glamour that is Hollywood? In Hollywood Strip, author Shamron Moore weaves a fast paced entertaining story that has enough juicy drama, titillating scandals and sizzling sex scenes that captivates the reader's attention and keeps them turning the pages.

The story follows the adventures of Callie Lambert as she leaves her home in Michigan for Los Angeles in search of becoming a Hollywood star. The journey that this smart, down-to-earth girl takes to make it big on the silver screen will ultimately open her eyes when she realizes that it isn't exactly easy to obtain your dreams ... that to have success, sometimes a person has to do whatever it takes to reach the top!

Hollywood Strip is a story that has pure excitement! With sassy characters, gritty dialogue and interactions, the author provides the reader with a realistic and dramatic look behind the curtains into the glittering world of Hollywood. I have always been fascinated with Hollywood and the behind the scenes drama and scandals that is part of this make-believe world, and this story did not disappoint me. I really enjoyed following Callie's journey and the experiences that she had to go through to make it in Hollywood, it takes a determined and talented person who can persevere through the hype, disappointments, and sexual dalliances to succeed. I simply loved that the author portrays the seedier side of Hollywood ... for not everything that glitters is gold ... but it is oh so much fun to imagine it!

For anyone that loves juicy drama, scandals and steamy sex scenes and escapades, Hollywood Strip is a thoroughly enjoyable story that takes the reader on one hell of a thrill ride, it will leave them wanting more! This is the perfect summer beach read, what more could you ask for?


Virtual Book Tour Schedule

Tour Schedule:

Monday, July 1 – Interview at Examiner 
Tuesday, July 2 – Book Review at Hanging Off the Wire 
Tuesday, July 2 – Guest Blogging at Dr. Pepper Diva 
Wednesday, July 3 – Interview at Gina’s Library 
Friday, July 5 – Guest Blogging at Books Books the Magical Fruit 
Friday, July 5 – Interview at The Writer’s Life
Monday, July 8 – Interview at Laurie’s Thoughts and Reviews 
Tuesday, July 9 – Guest Blogging at Hanging Off the Wire 
Wednesday, July 10 – Book Spotlight at Miki’s Hope 
Thursday, July 11 – Book Spotlight at Moonlight Lace & Mayhem 
Friday, July 12 – Book Spotlight at Authors and Readers Book Corner 
Friday, July 12 – Interview at Literarily Speaking 
Monday, July 15 – Book Spotlight at Love Books! Book Reviews 
Monday, July 15 – Guest Blogging at Confessions of a Reader 
Tuesday, July 16 – Book Spotlight at Community Bookstop 
Wednesday, July 17 – Book Spotlight at Read 2 Review 
Thursday, July 18 – Book Review at All Grown Up? 
Friday, July 19 – Book Review at Mary’s Cup of Tea 
Friday, July 19 – Book Spotlight at My Devotional Thoughts
Monday, July 22 – Book Review at Steph the Bookworm 
Monday, July 22 – Interview at Blogcritics 
Tuesday, July 23 – Book Spotlight at Sweet Southern Home 
Tuesday, July 23 – Book Review at My Cozy Corner 
Wednesday, July 24 – Book Spotlight at Cheryl’s Book Nook 
Thursday, July 25 – Book Review & Guest Blogging at Jersey Girl Book Reviews 
Friday, July 26 – Book Review at Naturally Kim B 
Friday, July 26 – Guest Blogging at The Story Behind the Book