Books are food for my soul! Pull up a beach chair and stick your toes in the sand as the Jersey surf rolls in and out, now open your book and let your imagination take you away.

Wednesday, November 30, 2016

Human Origins And The Bible by Myron Heavin (Book Spotlight)

In association with Pump Up Your Book, Jersey Girl Book Reviews is pleased to host the virtual book tour event for Human Origins And The Bible by author Myron Heavin!

About The Book

Human Origins And The Bible by Myron Heavin
Publisher: Redemption Press
Publication Date: Paperback - June 30, 2016 / eBook - July 20, 2016
Format: Paperback - 194 pages
               Kindle - 1404 KB
ISBN: 978-1683140078
BNID: 978-1683140078
Genre: Christian Apologetics / Theology

Buy The Book:

Discuss this book at PUYB Virtual Book Club on Goodreads

Book Description:

An engineer takes a scientific approach to the study of human origins, and compares Scripture with the findings of current scientific discoveries and DNA research. Myron Heavin examines differing views on creation and human origins, and what the Bible has to say in Genesis 2-5. From how to read and interpret the Bible, to when Adam and Eve lived, to hominids and Neantherthals, Heavin examines the validity of various creationist viewpoints, always with the supremacy of Scripture in mind. An individual or group Bible study that uses nature and Scripture to answer questions on our origins.

Book Excerpt:

Introduction (pages IX – XI)

There is a need for a sensible discussion of how humans came to be, what recent fossil records reveal, what DNA reveals, what science has learned, and what we can learn from a careful and reasoned study of Scripture. We wish to interpret Scripture as literally as possible, since God was the real author of Scripture. God also created the heavens and the earth, and left clear footprints everywhere in nature clearly revealing to all humans that He did this. There is much passionate discussion among friends, between believers in the high schools, in the media, from the pulpit, from our politicians, etc. about both nature and religion. Most teach us today that science is king; the scientist is the wise one; advances in science and technology will lead to a better life for all; and careers in science and technology often pay well. Other people tell us religion is all-important; if the nation becomes more Christian it will succeed; and a nation that turns its back on God will surely sink into total failure. The result is a kind of polarization where religion and science are mutually contradictory, and one is the enemy of the other. Rejection of God leads to divisiveness.

It is suggested that God wrote both books, nature and Scripture, and they do not conflict with each other, but rather they help each other to a better understanding of both. It is observed that most people reject  both Scripture and science somewhat equally. They say they believe in science, but reject global warming, they reject immunizations, they are not supportive of exploration of space (NASA), they are against new developments in agriculture such as genetically-modified food, are against chlorination of drinking water, and are against even most economic theories. Likewise, most people believe in the Bible and the Ten Commandments, and literally believe the world was created in six twenty-four-hour days as they Bible says, but many say evolutionists like Darwin are from the devil. Our youth read the creation story in Genesis and the literal six days of creation and this turns them off religion entirely. 

This book takes both Scripture and nature seriously, because God wrote both books. The heart of the problem is people reject God, and this leads to rejecting equally both science and Scripture. We believers see only through a foggy mirror. It is important to be humble about what we do and what we do not know. We read and think we understand Scripture, but scripture is “living”—it speaks to us anew each time we read it. Our understandings today are often different from our understandings when we were young. Likewise, nature is “living” and our understandings are different from when we were younger. As we age, our opinions tend to harden, and we tend to become more conservative. We are always changing, always seeking, always hungry for new dialogue, but it always becomes more difficult to change. Our society, likewise, is becoming more polarized. We tend to read and see things that we already believed. When we hear something different, we somehow process it to reinforce what we believed before we heard it. Some of the greatest theologians and preachers did not do well in science and mathematics. Likewise some of the greatest scientists and engineers lack “people skills.” Perhaps this is because each believer is unique with his or her spiritual gifts and natural abilities. The scientist has trouble communicating with the theologian, and the theologian has trouble communicating with the scientist. This is further compounded by congregations that “hang” on every word their beloved preacher says; likewise, classroom students that “hang” on every word the science or engineering professor says. This tends to build up egos. Suddenly, the preacher knows more about science than the scientist; suddenly the scientist knows more about religion than the pastor. This tends to polarize society as people have trouble listening to each other. 

This book will avoid the creation issues (wars) in Genesis 1, but instead concentrate on understanding human origins in Genesis 2-5. Let’s tackle only one issue at a time, and try to understand it well. The main subject of all of Scripture is God. The main subject of Genesis 1 is God—see how God created the world! The main subject matter of Genesis 1 is not the creation, and how God created the fantastic creation. See how God is the intelligent creator; not “see how creation was intelligently created by God.” This temporary cosmos will someday be destroyed by fire, but God and those reborn will live in eternity with new bodies. Lastly, it is difficult to write anything about science and religion without later developments proving us wrong. We observe that bipedalism seemed to suddenly and miraculously appear as hominids seemed to evolve from chimpanzees, and we used this as somewhat of a proof God intervened to suddenly create a new species. When a later development finds an intermediate form, we are embarrassed. This has happened over and over each time a theologian gets too carried away by scientific specifics.

About the Author

Myron G. Heavin graduated from Purdue University with a BS in aeronautical engineering, and has a BA in biblical and theological studies from Talbot Theological Seminary, and is currently enrolled in Christian Apologetics MA studies at Biola University. After fifty years as an engineer for the Boeing Company, Heavin retired and continues teaching and leading seven different Bible studies. Heavin and his wife Sharyl, who have been married over fifty years, have three grown children, and make their home in Lompoc, CA.

For More Information:

Virtual Book Tour

Click on the above link for the tour schedule.

Tuesday, November 29, 2016

Love Trip by Alexa Darin (Book Promo Blitz)

In association with Reading Addiction Book Tours, Jersey Girl Book Reviews is pleased to host the book promo blitz event for Love Trip by author Alexa Darin!

About The Book

Love Trip by Alexa Darin
Publisher: Top Down Publishing
Publication Date: eBook - October 24, 2016 / Paperback - October 27, 2016
Format: Paperback - 240 pages
               Kindle - 656 KB
ISBN: 978-0996630665
Genre: Contemporary Romance

Buy The Book:

Book Description:

Taylor Grant thinks she has life all figured out. But when her longtime boyfriend says goodbye via a few scribbled words on the back of coffeehouse napkins, she begins to doubt everything she ever knew about love and relationships. What she needs now is time to refocus and regroup…somewhere far, far away from the man who broke her heart.

After Texas cowboy Cole McKenzie finds his wife in the arms of another man, he goes in search of a new life, somewhere where he won’t be reminded of his wife’s infidelity. The Caribbean island of St. John seems the perfect place to start over. That is until he runs into city gal Taylor Grant.

Taylor isn’t ready for a new love. Cole has a secret he isn’t ready to share. Can escaping to a tropical island heal all wounds, or will Taylor’s past show up in paradise and make her an offer she can’t refuse?

Book Excerpt:

Book Excerpt From Author Alexa Darin's Website:

“I don’t remember my sister ever mentioning you, or that she was going to send someone to pick me up. Are you sure?”

“Sure as the sun is shining, Taylor Grant…attorney at law,” Cole says. He’s grinning, mocking me. But I don’t care. It’s not the worst thing a man has done. “Like I said, Paula is back at The Fish Shack waiting for you.” He reaches for my bag.

“Wait. Did you not hear what I said? I can’t go anywhere with you until I can at least confirm your identity and that you know my sister.”

Cole leaves my bag resting in the sand. “Sounds fair.” He peruses the beach, like he’s looking for someone. He waves at an old guy at a flower stand. “See that fella over there?” He points to the old guy. “He can vouch for me.”

I look, squinting into the sun, and the old guy waves in our direction. I lift a hand and give a halfhearted wave back.

“Are we good?” Cole asks.

“No. Absolutely not. The two of you could be in cahoots.”


I look at the old guy again, then at Cole. “Look, just because you got someone to wave at you doesn’t mean a thing. You could be anybody. You might not even know my sister.” But he did know her name. And he knew my name. Odds are he’s legit, and I’m just being paranoid. Still, I’m not ready to leave here with a stranger. “The two of you could be plotting something,” I say, standing my ground.

Cole laughs, big and hearty, like I’ve just told him the best joke ever, and then he crosses his arms over his chest. “What might me and that old fella be plotting, Taylor Grant, attorney at law?”

I shrug. “I don’t know. Kidnapping…or rape.” I feel silly for even saying it.

Cole laughs again.

“What? You think women don’t get kidnapped while on vacation? It happens all the time.” I rattle off several cases in recent history to prove my point, but Cole doesn’t seem to be listening.

“I’m not sure why that old guy and me would want to kidnap you,” he says. “Seems like you might be a lot of trouble. And as mean as I might look, I’m not into rape. Women tend to join me in bed of their own free will.”

My forehead creases into a frown. “I don’t need details about your past. I need proof that you know my sister.”

Cole nudges his hat back an inch, exposing beads of perspiration. It’s getting hotter by the minute, standing here in the hot sun. “I don’t know what more I can do,” he tells me. “Seems like we’re at an impasse. You don’t want to take any chances, I get it. But trust me, Taylor Grant, your sister really did send me to get you. And I’m not a rapist…or a kidnapper. Tell you what, you wait here and think about what you want to do. But I need to get some wind on my face.” Then he grabs my bag and starts off across the sand.

I’m surprised at first, and then concerned. If I don’t stop him, there go all my clothes, as well as my female supplies—makeup, hair product, unmentionables.

“Wait!— Stop!” I shout at his back. But he doesn’t even break pace, so I spin around, arms wide, looking for anyone who might be witness to what’s just happened. But no one is paying any attention. It’s like I’m caught in one of those bizarre moments that make no sense—The Twilight Zone, that’s it—or I’m having one of those weird and really vivid dreams that I’ll eventually wake from and I’ll laugh in my relief. Only I don’t wake up. And something needs to happen. Fast! “Help!” I yell and I thrust a finger in Cole’s direction. “Stop that man! I’ve been robbed!”

Half a dozen people look to see what I’m shouting about, first at me, then Cole. The old man at the roadside flower stand tosses Cole another wave, and Cole waves back. Which is just great. I scan the beach looking for help from anyone else, but everyone has gone back to what they were doing before I broke into their afternoon with my hysterics. No one seems to care that a woman is being robbed in broad daylight.

“He took my bag!” I explain, incredulous at their indifference. But no one pays me any mind. I think I even see someone yawn. “He’s a thief!” I insist, looking at the old man at the flower stand. He turns to a customer who wants to buy flowers.

Suddenly, I feel alone. Alone in paradise.

About The Author

Alexa Darin makes her home in Washington State, where she has a habit of exploring the Alpine Wilderness. She believes that every romance writer needs a survival kit that contains dark chocolate and red wine. 

Author Website
Amazon Author Page
Book Buzz Promo Page

Book Promo Blitz Event

Click on the above link for a list of event participants.

Monday, November 28, 2016

A Composition In Murder by Larissa Reinhart (Book Review / Contest Giveaway)

In association with Great Escapes Virtual Book Tours, Jersey Girl Book Reviews is pleased to host the virtual book tour event for A Composition In Murder by author Larissa Reinhart!

Book Review

A Composition In Murder by Larissa Reinhart
Book 6: A Cherry Tucker Mystery Series
Publisher: Henery Press
Publication Date: November 15, 2016
Format: Paperback - 266 pages 
               Kindle - 793 KB
               Nook - 506 KB
ISBN: 978-1635111132
BNID: 2940157036614
Genre: Cozy Mystery

Buy The Book: 

Buy The Series: A Cherry Tucker Mystery
Book 1: Portrait Of A Dead Guy
Book 2: Still Life In Brunswick Stew
Book 3: Hijack In Abstract
Book 4: Death In Perspective
Book 5: The Body In The Landscape
Book 6: A Composition In Murder

Disclaimer: I received a copy of the book from the author / publisher via NetGalley in exchange for my honest review and participation in a virtual book tour event hosted by Great Escapes Virtual Book Tours.

Book Description:

With a new art teaching gig at Halo House—Halo, Georgia’s posh independent living home—and Halo society scrutinizing her family and her love life, Cherry Tucker needs to stay out of trouble. However, her sleuthing skills are sought by Halo House’s most famous resident: Belvia Brakeman, the ninety-year-old, blind CEO and founder of Meemaw’s Tea. Belvia confides in Cherry that the family tea empire is in jeopardy. The CEO suspects her daughter, the COO, has been murdered and she might be next. Her offer is hard to refuse, but will have Cherry treading on Forks County Sheriff toes, namely her personal Deputy Heartache, Luke Harper. 

Amid her town troubles, can Cherry put her reputation, romance, and life on the line for the final request of a sweet tea tycoon? While she juggles senior citizen shenanigans, small town politics, and corporate family scandals, Cherry finds the sweet tea business cutthroat in more ways than one.

My Book Review:

A Composition In Murder is the sixth book in the entertaining Cherry Tucker Mystery Series. Written in the first person narrative, the reader is transported back to Halo, Georgia, for the latest investigative adventure of struggling artist Cherry Tucker.

Cherry Tucker sure has a knack for getting into trouble, and in this latest installment of her quirky adventures, Cherry is teaching art classes at Halo House, an upscale independent living center, when ninety-year-old resident Belvia Brakeman, CEO and founder of Meemaw's Tea, requests that Cherry
investigate the murder of her daughter Della. Cherry delves into the investigation, which leads to a series of murders, small town politics, family scandals, and danger lurking around every corner! And if that isn't enough, Cherry's love life is a mess because her amateur sleuthing is stepping on her boyfriend, Forks County Sheriffs Deputy Luke Harper's toes! Can Cherry and her motley crew solve the sweet tea murders?

This was such a fun whodunit to read, it had a great mixture of mystery, romance and humor. I easily found myself entertained by Cherry's craziness and her madcap investigative adventures. From Cherry's dysfunctional family, to her ongoing romantic issues, to her amateur sleuthing skills, this sassy southern lady's antics kept me entertained and laughing as I followed her quest to solve the latest murder case.

With a zany cast of characters (many who return from the previous books in the series) who keep the reader in stitches with their witty dialogue and hilarious interactions; a storyline filled with enough drama, suspense and twist and turns that keeps the reader guessing; and a richly detailed setting that transports the reader to a quirky Southern small town; A Composition In Murder is an entertaining cozy mystery interwoven with Southern charm and humor that leaves you wanting to go on more crazy adventures with sassy Cherry Tucker!


About The Author

A 2015 Georgia Author of the Year Best Mystery finalist, Larissa Reinhart writes the Cherry Tucker Mystery series. The first in the series, Portrait of a Dead Guy, is a 2012 Daphne du Maurier finalist, 2012 The Emily finalist, and 2011 Dixie Kane Memorial winner. The sixth mystery, A Composition in Murder, was released on November 15th. Her family and Cairn Terrier, Biscuit, now live in Nagoya, Japan, but they still call Georgia home.

Author Website
Author Blog
Amazon Author Page
Facebook Street Tream: The Mystery Minions
Publisher: Henery Press

Contest Giveaway

Virtual Book Tour Event

Tour Schedule:

November 14 – Laura’s Interests – REVIEW

November 14 – Books,Dreams,Life – SPOTLIGHT  

November 15 – Grace. Gratitude. Life. by Marie McNary – REVIEW

November 15 – Sleuth Cafe – SPOTLIGHT


November 17 – The Broke Book Bank – REVIEW

November 18 – Varietats – INTERVIEW

November 19 – Brooke Blogs – INTERVIEW, SPOTLIGHT

November 20 – A Holland Reads – SPOTLIGHT

November 21 – Community Bookstop – REVIEW  

November 21 – The Girl with Book Lungs – SPOTLIGHT

November 22 – Island Confidential – INTERVIEW, SPOTLIGHT

November 23 – StoreyBook Reviews – SPOTLIGHT

November 24 – THANKSGIVING U.S.

November 25 – Bibliophile Reviews – REVIEW

November 26 – 3 Partners in Shopping, Nana, Mommy, &, Sissy, Too! – SPOTLIGHT

November 27 – Cozy Up With Kathy – INTERVIEW

November 28 – Jersey Girl Book Reviews – REVIEW

November 29 – A Chick Who Reads – REVIEW

Wednesday, November 23, 2016

The Naughty List - Holiday Romance Anthology Collection (Book Blast / Book Review / Contest Giveaway)

In association with Goddess Fish Promotions, Jersey Girl Book Reviews is pleased to host the book blast event for The Naughty List - Holiday Romance Anthology Collection!

Book Review

The Naughty List - Holiday Romance Anthology Collection by Tiffany Reisz, Alexa Piper, Pumpkin Spice, Elizabeth Black, Doug Blakeslee, Wendy Sparrow // Edited by Cori Vidae
Book 2: Red Moon Anthologies Collection
Publisher: Red Moon Romance / World Weaver Press
Publication Date: November 27, 2015
Format: Paperback - 238 pages
               Kindle - 838 KB
               Nook - 506 KB
ISBN: 978-0692573754
BNID: 2940157927547
Genre: Holiday Romance Anthology Collection

Buy The Book:
*On Sale For $.99*
Barnes & Noble
All Romance eBooks
World Weaver Press - Publisher

Disclaimer: I received a copy of the book from the authors / publisher in exchange for my honest review and participation in a book blast event hosted by Goddess Fish Promotions.

Book Description:

Six holiday romances, from sexy to sweet, prove that love is better on the Naughty List.

A Christmas Maggie by Tiffany Reisz

All Daniel wanted for Christmas was to spoil his new girlfriend, Anya, make love under the tree, and ignore all his old heartaches. But the ghosts of Christmas past aren’t so easily forgotten especially when Maggie, his late wife, shows up to remind him why the past should stay in the past and why his Christmases-future could be the best of his life if he can finally let himself live and love in this Christmas present. (A Christmas Maggie is the final story in the Daniel trio [from the Original Sinners series] beginning with The Gift and followed by Daniel Part Two.)

Christmassy by Alexa Piper

When taotien Valerion and witchling Cora get together sparks fly. But on the way to visit Cora’s family for Christmas, they encounter a supernatural predator that will not only test their individual powers and abilities, but also their connection to one another.

My Midnight Cowboy by Pumpkin Spice

If chocolate is the way to a man’s heart, then pastry chef Lucy Baker has the recipe for success. But will her culinary skills melt the most hard-hearted bachelor in Wyoming? A chance encounter on a New Year’s Eve flight leaves two strangers to discover unbound pleasure and a hunger for sexual discovery.

In the Doghouse by Elizabeth Black

Nicky and Angela had just begun to add a little kink to their lives when, caught up in the influence of his dudebros he forgot their anniversary and broke Angela’s heart. Angela wants Nicky’s strong arms around her again, but first she wants him to fight for her. Can one night, a paddle and some restraints bridge the gap between them?

Winter’s Daughter by Doug Blakeslee

A child of the Fae—bound to winter and a promise given to her chosen mate. She must claim him before time runs out and all she loves in the world falls to ruin. A child of mortals—forgotten and discarded by the world, then torn from the most amazing woman he’s ever met. Trapped in the sort of fae-tale that rarely ends in happily ever after, are they strong enough to defy the odds and find love?

Stealing Time by Wendy Sparrow

As Father Time’s son, Zeit must sacrifice a mortal’s lifetime to the Fates each New Year’s Eve. Last year—inexplicably, really—he made an 11:59 substitution. The Fates are pissed and they’re after his mortal Hannah. With the year ending, he ought to figure out why he’d saved her—and and why he keeps doing it. Following an unlucky year, Hannah needs a week’s holiday in a lodge to unwind. What she gets is near-death experiences and a sexy immortal who can’t avoid kissing her, but might have to kill her. After all, even Zeit can’t hold back time indefinitely.

Book Excerpt:

From A Christmas Maggie by Tiffany Reisz

Daniel sat forward in the chair, suddenly more awake than he’d ever been in his entire life. In front of him kneeling on the floor by his feet with her chin on his knee was Maggie, his wife who had been dead and buried for years.

“What?” he asked again, his heart pounding wildly in his chest. “What are you doing here?”

She gave him a wicked blue-eyed smile, her chestnut hair falling in waves around her oval face. She didn’t look a day over thirty-five, younger than he’d ever seen her. In fact she looked breathtaking—so young, so beautiful, so untouched by the pain and suffering the cancer had inflicted on her, the cancer that had killed his beautiful wife.

“Merry Christmas, Daniel.”

My Book Review:

Who could pass up reading a delightful collection of six holiday romance novellas that will get you into the holiday spirit?

Since I enjoyed reading all six romance tales in The Naughty List - Holiday Romance Anthology Collection, I decided to only provide a general book review instead of individual reviews.

The Naughty List - Holiday Romance Anthology Collection is an eclectic collection of six sweet to sexy holiday romance novellas from authors Tiffany Reisz, Alexa Piper, Pumpkin Spice, Elizabeth Black, Doug Blakeslee, Wendy Sparrow and edited by Cori Vidae.

Each holiday romance novella flows smoothly from one to the next, and has a unique mixture of sweet, funny, steamy, erotic, fantasy, and paranormal romance that will appeal to everyone. Each of the authors weave an intriguing, unique, and thoroughly enjoyable holiday romance tale with engaging characters, a variety of naughty list themes, unique settings, and enough drama, humor, mystery, and suspense that will easily draw the reader into each story, keep them turning the pages, and leave them wanting more.

The Naughty List - Holiday Romance Anthology Collection is the perfect collection of holiday romance novellas that will keep the reader thoroughly entertained and in the Christmas spirit. Each story will certainly peak your interest, and whet your appetite to read more from each of the individual authors featured in this delightfully sinful romance anthology collection.


About The Author

In addition to being an Assistant Editor for World Weaver Press, Cori Vidae likes to write steamy stories and collect shiny things. 

Contest Giveaway

One randomly drawn commenter will receive a Christmas present as a prize for the event. Like any good Christmas present its contents are a surprise but it will include at least one signed book, something homemade, and a bunch of other fun goodies.

Book Blast Event

Event Participants:

1: Kissing Bandits
2: Book Giveaways
3: Stormy Nights Reviewing and Bloggin'
4: Up 'Til Dawn Book Blog - review
5: Words of Wisdom from The Scarf Princess
6: Book Lover Promo
7: T's Stuff - review
8: The Avid Reader
9: Long and Short Reviews
10: Behind Closed Doors
11: The Silver Dagger Scriptorium
12: Elizabeth Black
13: Natural bri - review
14: Readeropolis
15: Jersey Girl Book Reviews - review
16: Romance Novel Giveaways
17: Independent Authors
18: Books,Dreams,Life
19: BooksChatter
20: Liz's Reading Life
21: Underneath The Covers
22: Unabridged Andra's
23: It's Raining Books
24: Straight from the Library
25: Welcome to My World of Dreams
26: Reviews by Crystal
27: The Pen and Muse Book Reviews 
28: Lock That Door!

Monday, November 21, 2016

Cat Got Your Diamonds by Julie Chase (Author Guest Post / Book Review / Contest Giveaway)

In association with Great Escapes Virtual Book Tours, Jersey Girl Book Reviews is pleased to host the virtual book tour event for Cat Got Your Diamonds by author Julie Chase!

Author Guest Post

The Hardest Part of Writing: Release Day

I love writing. The entire process from creating new worlds and characters to building relationships and causing troubles I can resolve is exhilarating. The whole shebang from “What if…” to “The end” is my kind of good time. I wake up each morning excited about the day and eager to take my fictional friends on new adventures. It’s wonderful. A real delight! The only problem with this writing-high is that it always ends.

Eventually, I’ve done all I can, and I have to admit that I can’t make the novel any better on my own. So, I hand the file off to my agent, then my editor, and they each give feedback. They request revisions. They see things I can’t because I’m too close. Slowly, the story changes. A little here. A lot there. Until my story becomes something more, and for a minute I feel excited again because it’s better than ever and reader will enjoy it so much more. I hope.

Then it’s released. Suddenly, the book I loved and cherished and toiled over ten hours a day for weeks on end is loose in the wild. It is no longer safe in the hands of my team – people who love me and want me to succeed. Now, it’s out *there*. In readers’ hands. And I have no idea or control over what they will think about it.


This is my definition of terrifying. If you’re imagining me, knees hugged to chest, eating TUMS from the bottle, you’re pretty close. There’s a lot of fear in judgement. As an author, I have the added internal pressure of trying to make people happy. Not because all authors do, but because this is the reason I write. I write to make readers smile. I write to make them happy. When I fail, it’s crushing. Don’t get me wrong, I’m far too hardheaded to give up, but that just makes each book more nerve wrecking. Will THIS be story that pleases them? I wonder. Have I finally gotten it right? Have I given them a proper escape? Have I refueled them?

I know, of course, that I can’t please everyone, but it doesn’t stop me from trying. That’s my insane author goal. I want to provide my readers with the same wonderful feelings that my favorite authors give me. I have a long way to go. I know, but until then, I’ll keep trying. And keep that five-gallon jug of TUMS on my list of regular Amazon deliveries.

About The Author

Julie Chase is a mystery-loving pet enthusiast who hopes to make readers smile. She lives in rural Ohio with her husband and three small children. Julie is a member of the International Thriller Writers (ITW) and Sisters in Crime (SinC). She is represented by Jill Marsal of Marsal Lyons Literary Agency. Julie also writes as Julie Anne Lindsey.

Author Website
Amazon Author Page

Book Review

Cat Got Your Diamonds by Julie Chase
Book 1: A Kitty Couture Mystery Series
Publisher: Crooked Lane Books
Publication Date: November 8, 2016
Format: Paperback - 352 pages
               Kindle - 2894 KB
               Nook - 5 MB
ISBN:  978-1683311973
BNID: 978-1629538433
Genre: Cozy Mystery

Buy The Book:
Barnes & Noble
Books A Million

Buy The Series: A Kitty Couture Mystery Series
Book 1: Cat Got Your Diamonds 
Book 2: Cat Got Your Cash (Pub Date: April 11, 2017)
Barnes & Noble
Books A Million

Disclaimer: I received a copy of the book from the author / publisher via NetGalley in exchange for my honest review and participation in a virtual book tour event hosted by Great Escapes Virtual Book Tours.

Book Description:

Grandeur and opulence are everything in the famed New Orleans Garden District where pets are family and no bling is too big. Opening Furry Godmother, pet boutique and organic treat bakery, is Lacy Marie Crocker’s dream come true–until the glitter gun used to make her Shih Tzu tutus becomes a murder weapon. And Lacy becomes public enemy #1.

Now Detective Jack Oliver is hounding Lacy, and her Furry Godmother investor wants out before his name is tarnished by association. To make matters worse, a string of jewel heists with suspicious ties to the murder case has New Orleans residents on edge. To save her dream, Lacy must take a stand, put her keen eyes to work, and unravel what really happened at her shop that night. But can Lacy sniff out the killer cat burglar in time to get her tail-raising designs on the catwalk?

Witty and whimsical, Cat Got Your Diamonds, the first in a new cozy series by Julie Chase, will be the cat's meow for fans of Rita Mae Brown and Miranda James.

My Book Review:

In Cat Got Your Diamonds, the first book in A Kitty Couture Mystery Series, author Julie Chase weaves an intriguing cozy mystery tale that follows the amateur sleuth adventures of pet boutique owner Lacy Crocker, when she finds herself a murder suspect after she stumbles upon a dead body in her pet boutique.

Set in the Garden District section of New Orleans, Louisiana, fashion designer Lacy Crocker moved back home from Washington D.C. after breaking up with her cheating ex-fiance Pete, and opened Furry Godmother, a couture pet boutique and organic gourmet treat bakery. Lacy's business is starting to get noticed and taking off, but when she stumbles upon a dead body in her shop, and one of her glitter guns is the murder weapon, Lacy suddenly finds herself a prime suspect in the murder. And to make matters worse, Mr. Tater, Lacy's store investor now wants to back out, plus there has been a series of jewelry store heists in the Garden District with possible ties to the murder, and add into the mix Detective Jack Oliver who is hounding Lacy and not very thrilled with her amateur sleuth investigation into the murder case. Nonetheless, Lacy is determined to find the real killer, clear her name, and save her business before it all goes down the drain.

Cat Got Your Diamonds is a captivating and fast-paced cozy whodunit tale that has enough quirky characters, witty banter and humor, drama, danger, and intriguing twists and turns that will keep you guessing the identity of the killer cat burglar. You can't help but get caught up in the drama, calamity mayhem, and cat-n-mouse games that ensues as Lacy tries to solve the murder and clear her name. Lacy's amateur sleuth adventure unfolds with a wonderful balance of comedy, drama, and suspense that easily kept me guessing, and left me wanting more. I can't wait to read the next book in this delightful new cozy mystery series!

I would be remiss if I didn't mention how much I liked the delightful pet treat recipes that were included at the end of the book, two paws up!

Cat Got Your Diamonds is an entertaining cozy murder mystery that pet lovers will enjoy reading!


Contest Giveaway

Virtual Book Tour

Tour Schedule:

November 15 – The Girl with Book Lungs – REVIEW

November 15 – Books,Dreams,Life – REVIEW

November 15 – View from the Birdhouse – SPOTLIGHT

November 16 – Shelley’s Book Case – REVIEW, GUEST POST

November 16 – Kaisy Daisy’s Corner – REVIEW

November 16 – Sleuth Cafe – SPOTLIGHT

November 17 – The Book’s the Thing – REVIEW

November 17 – Grace. Gratitude. Life. by Marie McNary – REVIEW

November 18 – Melina’s Book Blog –  REVIEW, GUEST POST

November 18 – Celticlady’s Reviews – SPOTLIGHT

November 18 – The Power of Words – REVIEW 

November 19 – Reading Is My SuperPower – REVIEW

November 19 – 3 Partners in Shopping, Nana, Mommy, &, Sissy, Too ! – SPOTLIGHT

November 19 – Island Confidential  – INTERVIEW (not posted), SPOTLIGHT

November 20 – Michelle’s Romantic Tangle – GUEST POST

November 20 – Readeropolis –  SPOTLIGHT

November 21 – Bea’s Book Nook – REVIEW

November 21 – Jersey Girl Book Reviews – REVIEW, GUEST POST

November 21 – Mochas, Mysteries and Meows – REVIEW, INTERVIEW

November 22 – Books, Movies, Reviews. Oh my! – REVIEW

November 22 – Sapphyria’s Book Reviews – REVIEW

November 22 – A Holland Reads – SPOTLIGHT

November 23 – Book Babble – REVIEW

November 23 – Laura’s Interests – REVIEW

November 23 – Moonlight Rendezvous – REVIEW

November 24 – THANKSGIVING

November 25 – Cozy Up With Kathy – REVIEW, INTERVIEW

November 25 – Paranormal and Romantic Suspense Reviews – SPOTLIGHT

November 26 – Texas Book-aholic – REVIEW

November 26 – Community Bookstop –  REVIEW

November 27 – Brooke Blogs – REVIEW, GUEST POST

November 27 – LibriAmoriMiei – REVIEW

November 28 – Classy Cheapskate – REVIEW

November 28 – A Chick Who Reads – REVIEW

November 28 – The Pulp and Mystery Shelf – INTERVIEW, SPOTLIGHT

November 29 – StoreyBook Reviews – REVIEW

November 29 – Escape With Dollycas Into A Good Book – REVIEW, INTERVIEW