Books are food for my soul! Pull up a beach chair and stick your toes in the sand as the Jersey surf rolls in and out, now open your book and let your imagination take you away.

Friday, October 21, 2016

Secrets of the Suburbs by Alisa Schindler (Book Review)

In association with Chick Lit Plus Blog Tours, Jersey Girl Book Reviews is pleased to host the virtual book tour event for Secrets of the Suburbs by author Alisa Schindler!

Book Review

Secrets of the Suburbs by Alisa Schindler
Publisher: Rocky Road Press
Publication Date: eBook - September 4, 2016 / Paperback - September 27, 2016
Format: Paperback - 302 pages
               Kindle - 719 KB
               Nook - 295 KB
ISBN: 978-1535298605
BNID: 2940153246666
Genre: Women's Fiction

Buy The Book: 
Barnes & Noble

Disclaimer: I received a copy of the book from the author / publisher in exchange for my honest review and participation in a virtual book tour event hosted by Chick Lit Plus Blog Tours.

Book Description:

Secrets of the Suburbs is the story of Lindsey, a 42 year-old suburban mom who seems to have it all – doctor husband, two great kids, satisfying part-time work; all the spin classes, shopping and lunches she can fit into her busy schedule.

But when a drunken moment with her friend’s husband opens up a well of desire, excitement and emotion that she didn’t even know existed, it throws her perfectly perfect life into turmoil. Because as Lindsey opens her heart and body to this forbidden passion; her eyes open as well, and she is forced to take a closer look at her life, her marriage and herself.

Already her friends are starting to whisper, her husband is growing suspicious and there is a Secrets of the Shore Facebook page that just may be talking about her.

Will Lindsey stay in her safe, pretty world with her seemingly perfect husband who just might have secrets of his own, or will she break every rule and follow her heart?

Whatever she decides, she'd better figure it out fast because in small town suburbia nothing stays secret for very long.

Sexy and engaging, with characters who seem like friends and issues that make you think about marriage, satisfaction and the lines we draw, Secrets of the Suburbs is the perfect book to curl up with next to your (sweet) snoring husband.

Book Excerpt:

Lindsey vowed not to think about her relationship with Mitchell; the flaws that must hound every marriage; the taking for granted, the assumption of security, the casual dismissals, the diminished sex. They were patterns couples fell into over years which were balanced out by having someone always in your corner, the shared baggage that came with a life time together, companionship, family and love. Any relationship under a microscope could be picked apart. She needed to throw away the microscope, stop focusing on the bad and concentrate on the good. Sexy, good man, she repeated, because it was true and she needed to hear it over and over. She needed a distraction, so she did the worst thing she could do and checked the Secrets of Shore Point Facebook page for any updates.

She found one and read horrified.

Holy Toledo! Or more accurately, Holy Shore Point! What is in the water over here?! Apparently, the marriage on the rocks and the affair are connected, so look for another marriage to be heading to those rocks real soon. This is all way too Peyton Place. “Oh hello, can I borrow a cup of sugar. Forget it, I’ll just take a hunk of your husband.” Man, I can’t take this! I’m running out of nails to bite!!

Oh my GOD. This had to be about her and John. It couldn’t be! It had to be!

Lindsey read through some of the comments. There were almost a hundred. Most were from gossip whores, most of whom she knew, jumping all over the mystery, but a few comments were quite scathing like, “Mind your own business, bitch.” That was from Heidi Burnett. And, “You’re playing with people’s lives. What are you doing?” That one was from her friend Diane.

She felt manic, like she main-lined her coffee and chased it with a shot of Red Bull. She briefly wondered if she was having an anxiety attack, but put that ridiculous notion out of her mind. She needed to run. She needed to run immediately.

She hadn’t been outside yet but knew it was a nice day from the sun pouring through the windows and the crisp breeze she had felt when she waved the kids off to the bus. Exiting through the garage so she could pull in the garbage cans, she tapped her feet waiting for the automatic door to roll up, impatient to get moving and feel the fresh air. She watched the sunny outside slowly leak in as the door rose, and then took a quick startled step back noticing a pair of men’s shoes waiting right outside. Slowly, the door continued its upward momentum revealing pant legs around the ankle, then knees and thighs. Her first instinct was to run back into the house and lock the door. It would be the normal thing to do just in case it was a killer waiting to kill her. Or Jeanie. But somewhere inside she knew.

The door continued rising along with Lindsey’s heart rate, waiting to find out what was the prize behind curtain number one, but she didn’t have to wait any longer because John ducked under and stood before her.

“Close it,” he ordered and Lindsey pushed the button to reverse the doors’ motion. They stood locked in an eye embrace, waiting tensely for the door to bang to its finish. He moved toward her in a rush and kissed her long and deep. She kissed him back almost as greedily before she remembered they weren’t doing that anymore. His hands were already on her body which was a hundred percent behind her betrayal. “John. Stop,” she whispered, but his mouth was crushed against hers.

“I’ve missed you so much,” he said in between his sensual assault. “So much.”

Somehow Lindsey managed to slow down the force of his need by pushing him back a little and kissing him tenderly and unhurried. It calmed him a bit, but did nothing to extinguish their mutual desire. “John,” she tried again, “Stop.” He heard her that time and listened, but their faces and bodies were so close she could almost taste his mouth and she could definitely feel his hardness against her. It was denying a force of nature to keep them apart, but she did.

“Okay,” he said, but still took one long, sweet, open mouthed kiss full of slow licking and gentle biting before he released her. “Sorry,” he offered slyly, causing her to smile despite herself. She was almost giddy with happiness to have him near her.

It was bad.

My Book Review:

In Secrets of the Suburbs, author Alisa Schindler weaves an intriguing tale set in the suburban town of Shore Point, Long Island, that draws the reader into Lindsey's life, and the challenges that she faces when she finds herself sexually attracted to John, a married man who happens to be one of her friend's husband.

Secrets of the Suburbs is a compelling women's fiction story that easily draws the reader into the drama and emotions that come with the intricate dynamics of relationships and the issue of adultery. You can't help but get drawn into Lindsey's story as she discovers that the perfect life that she has been living may not be so perfect after all, especially when she unexpectedly develops feelings for John, who makes her feel alive and desirable for the first time in a very long time. When you live in a small suburban town and rumors abound, especially on the SOS (Secrets of the Shore) Facebook page, what do you do when you want to have a secret relationship that is scandalous and taboo?

Secrets of the Suburbs is an intriguing, sexy, and dramatic story that will easily keep you engaged and turning the pages, while providing much food for thought about the intricate dynamics of relationships, and what secretive things goes on behind closed doors in every community.

Secrets of the Suburbs is a captivating story about life, choices, decisions, regrets, happiness, family, relationships, love, and discovering what the really important things are in life.

RATING: 5 Stars 

About The Author

Alisa Schindler
is a SAHM of three boys and wife to Mr. Baseball. In between schlepping to the ball fields and burning cupcakes, she chronicles the sweet and bittersweet of life in the suburbs on her blog Her essays have been featured online in the Washington Post, NYT, Scary Mommy, Kveller, Parents, Brain, Child, and Good Housekeeping, among others. Random nights, she can be found hiding in the closet with a pint of ice cream and a good book.

Author Blog
Amazon Author Page

Virtual Book Tour

Tour Schedule:

October 10- Polished and Bubbly – Review
October 10 – Shannon’s Bookish Life- Review
October 11 – I blog Books – Novel Spotlight
October 11 – Authors and Readers Book Corner – Excerpt
October 11 – Deluged With BooksCafé – Review
October 12 – Books, Dreams, Life – Excerpt
October 14 – Chick Lit Goddess – Review
October 18 – Silver Dagger Scriptorium – Novel Spotlight
October 20 – Chick Lit Plus – Review
October 21 - Jersey Girl Book Reviews - Review
October 24 – Nerdy Dirty and Flirty – Review


  1. Replies
    1. Hi Alisa! Thank you for the opportunity to feature Secrets of the Suburbs on my blog. I really enjoyed this intriguing and sexy story. :)

    2. Thank you. It's not easy promoting yourself but every review, every recommend, every little bit helps. :) Maybe I can get you to review my suburban mom murder mystery, Murder Across the Street some time. :) Meanwhile, I never even heard of Browns Mills. I lived around Fort Lee for awhile!

    3. I'll have to add Murder Across the Street to my TBR list. Browns Mills is in Burlington County - in South Jersey. I live in the pinelands on the fenceline of the joint base Ft Dix, McGuire, Lakehurst. :)

    4. I appreciate that! I hope Murder is on the list! And I'm on long island. I just looked up Ft. Dix, you're 2 12 hours from me! Somehow i always initially think that long island/nj is just a hop skip, when usually it's the long jump! ;)

    5. Murder is definitely on my TBR list. I think NJ - NY is a hop and skip away, especially when I take the train to Manhattan and the subway to Yankees Stadium, but I haven't visited LI. :)

    6. Long island is wonderful and i love my town. but it's your typical suburban crazy. And yes to the city! I'm only a 36 minute train away and yet i don't go nearly as often as I'd like. Life is just busy. Fabulous but busy. :)
