Books are food for my soul! Pull up a beach chair and stick your toes in the sand as the Jersey surf rolls in and out, now open your book and let your imagination take you away.

Monday, August 26, 2013

Adventure To Love by Bethany Ramos (Author Guest Post / Book Review)

In association with Chick Lit Plus Blog Tours, Jersey Girl Book Reviews is pleased to host the virtual book tour event for Adventure To Love by author Bethany Ramos!

Author Guest Post

5 Ways I Stay Motivated As A Writer

Ah, the answer to the question every writer is looking for… Most writers struggle from time to time, or far too often, with crippling cases of writer's block. No, writer's block isn't just a myth or fable. It's that point in time when your brain is absolutely empty, your words are muddled together, and you know it's time to throw in the towel before you type one more word of gibberish into a Word document.

Been there?

I've worked as a freelance writer for four years. In that time, I've rarely struggled with legitimate writer's block, although I've had my share of exhaustion, frustration, and tears.

Here are 5 of my secrets to keeping your motor running as a writer:

1. Write on a variety of topics. Since I work as a freelancer, I have the pleasure of picking and choosing from a number of different clients and topics to fill up my schedule. If you find yourself getting bored of writing on one topic, simply move on to another subject or genre to stay fresh.

2. Read as often as possible. My husband makes fun of me because I always fall asleep with my nose in a book the moment my head hits the pillow. Sure, it may not look like I'm reading - but I promise that I really am! Reading regularly keeps me motivated, and it also makes me jealous of other talented authors whose styles I may want to emulate in my next book.

3. Take a break. It may seem counterintuitive, but take a moment to eat lunch, exercise, or watch some pointless TV to give your brain a rest. Voilà! You just may find something to write about.

4. Use a flowchart. If you can't seem to tackle the mountainous task of writing a novel, start out small by creating a flowchart of your ideal characters and plot lines. No one says that you have to stick to it, but it will prepare you to write that first chapter.

5. Reread positive reviews and feedback. If you're having one of those days where you feel completely unfit to be a writer, it's time to take a trip down memory lane and reread old five-star reviews or client feedback. A small compliment that a client paid you in the past can help you to remember that you're talented, you're good enough, and you know what you're doing!

About The Author

Bethany Ramos is a chick lit author that is passionate about the fun, witty, and clever dynamic that can be found in a good chick lit novel. Her chick lit novel 5 Stages of Grief was published by Black Opal Books in 2011. Her second chick lit novel Adventure to Love was published by Soul Mate Publishing in 2013. She has also written a children’s book called Lions Can’t Eat Spaghetti that is under contract to be published through 4RV Publishing in 2015.

Bethany works as Editor in Chief for Naturally Healthy Publications, as well as a freelance ghostwriter through She also co-owns her own website with her husband at The Coffee Bump. Bethany can be reached for further information about her writing services at or follow her on Twitter.

Adventure To Love by Bethany Ramos ~ Virtual Book Tour Page: Chick Lit Plus Blog Tours

Book Review

Adventure To Love by Bethany Ramos
Publisher: Soul Mate Publishing
Publication Date: April 16, 2013
Format: eBook - 205 pages / Kindle - 2506 KB 
Genre: Chick Lit / Contemporary Romance / Women's Fiction

BUY THE BOOK: Adventure To Love

Disclaimer: I received a copy of the book from the author in exchange for my honest review and participation in a virtual book tour event hosted by Chick Lit Plus Blog Tours.

Book Description:

In a "Bachelor" meets "Survivor"-style reality TV show, twelve women are flown to an undisclosed location to meet the eligible bachelor Ky, a former boy band member and the privileged son of an LA plastic surgeon. After arriving at a beautiful resort in Bali, the women compete for a chance at love as they fight to win Ky’s affection.

Morgan, the blunt, down-to-earth, girl next door; Harper, a wannabe Hollywood starlet who is competing not only for her fifteen minutes of fame but to win enough money for breast implants; and Brinkley, the innocent, Jesus-loving Midwesterner who believes that she and Ky are a match made in heaven, must go head-to-head with nine other women on group dates and in challenges to stay in the competition.

What happens behind the scenes when a dating reality show goes awry?

Book Excerpt:

Chapter 1

Harper sat sandwiched between what appeared to be two identical women. No, she wasn’t seeing double. She just happened to be at a casting call in West Hollywood where the typical women that fit the bill were blond, blue-eyed, and impressively tanned. Whether all of the above were real or fake was still to be determined.

Not like Harper was one to talk. Her long, honey blond hair came from a little friend called Clairol. But that was only a temporary fix until she could get back on her feet again and continue seeing her colorist, Avondre. He was known for making magic out of what was once mousy, drab-brown hair.

Her blue eyes really were her natural color. Only they happened to be enhanced just a smidge with nonprescription color contacts that she’d picked up at a gas station near her month-to-month rental apartment in the cheapest neighborhood she could find in Manhattan Beach.

And, yes, she was tan just like the rest of them. She spent every single afternoon lying at the beach. Not out of luxury but out of necessity. It seemed that the air-conditioner in her tiny, pre-furnished studio apartment was nothing more than a puff of lukewarm air that blew at random. Normally at 7 PM at night when the apartment had already cooled down after the sun had set.

So afternoons in her tiny shoebox of an apartment were unbearable, to say the least.

One of the she-clones to the right of Harper elbowed her in the ribs to get her attention. A little too hard, in her opinion. Harper looked up with a wide-eyed expression on her face that she had perfected after years of playing the victim to family, friends, and especially men in her life.


The Glamazon hissed out of the side of her mouth, barely turning her head to acknowledge Harper’s existence. “Um, I’m pretty sure they’re calling your name.”

She tapped one perfectly manicured fingernail on the clipboard that sat in Harper’s lap. It held her lengthy application and background check, which were required to even be considered for the show in the first place. And at the top of the application, clear as day, read her name: ‘Harper Berry.’

Harper was suddenly all ears. A petite production assistant who was attractive in an edgy/emo kind of way scanned the room with a bored expression on her face. “This is the final call for Ms. Berry. Does anyone know if there is a Harper Berry here for casting?”

She didn’t want to seem too eager. Even though this was the moment she had waited four hours and thirty-five minutes for, not counting the insane traffic gridlock that had cost her fifty-five extra minutes on the way to the studio.

She stood up slowly. She smoothed her Size Three Genetic skinny jeans in charcoal gray and plastered a cheery, professional smile across her face that would have made her the perfect spokesperson for a toothpaste ad. “Here! I’m right here.”

She took three short steps across the lobby and held out her hand to the disinterested production assistant. In one swift motion, she pumped the malnourished assistant’s hand up and down and covered the ‘F’ on the Fucci knockoff label on her handbag with the other.

That was a move she did so often that it had become second nature. Any time she came across someone she needed to impress—whether it was an executive in the industry, an older, wealthy gentleman who wanted to wine her and dine her, or even a catty Kim Kardashian look-alike bitch that she bumped into on the boardwalk—Harper automatically hid the label on her faux-designer handbag so that it only read ‘ucci.’

As far as she could tell, ‘ucci’ translated the same in any language.

She followed the PA down a long corridor. She fixed her eyes on the back of what appeared to be an asymmetrical, nouveau Flock of Seagulls hairstyle. Was the 80’s comeback really that popular?

My Book Review:

Dating Reality TV fans, if you need a quick fix in between watching the next season of your favorite Reality TV show, then Adventure To Love is the book to read!

Author Bethany Ramos weaves an entertaining tale with a Bachelor-like dating theme with a Survivor twist, that keeps the reader following along as twelve women contestants vie for the love of Bachelor Ky, a former boy band member. Set in the remote Indonesian island location of Bali, the story follows the trials and tribulations and behind the scenes struggles of three of the women contestants: Morgan, Harper, and Brinkley, who each has her own purpose for going on the show. Ky and the contestants don't know what they signed up for when they began the four week competition, and when the show goes awry, through all the drama, struggles, and twists that occur, they learn to expect the unexpected, and even some valuable life lessons.

I have to admit that I am a Reality TV junkie. I love these types of shows especially my favorites, The Bachelor/Bachelorette, so I knew I was going to enjoy reading Adventure To Love, and I wasn't disappointed! This entertaining tale has a great mixture or romance, drama, adventure, humor, twists and turns that kept me easily engaged and wanting to know what was going to happen next! I really enjoyed that the storyline featured the different perspectives of the three main women competitors, their diversity was intriguing and reminded me of the various women contestants that have appeared on The Bachelor. I couldn't help but get drawn into the adventure with Morgan, Harper and Brinkley. This fast paced story is a lot of fun, the plot twists will keep you guessing, while the drama, adventure, humor and romance will fill your Reality TV craving until the next season of your favorite show returns.


Virtual Book Tour Schedule

Tour Schedule:

August 19 – Keep Calm and Blog On – Review
August 19 – The Autumn Review – Novel Spotlight
August 20 – Chick Lit Plus – Review
August 22 – Julie Valerie's Book Blog – Q&A & Excerpt
August 22 – Storm Goddess Book Reviews – Review & Excerpt
August 23 – Samantha March – Q&A & Excerpt
August 26 – Jersey Girl Book Reviews – Review, Guest Post & Excerpt


  1. Thank you so much for taking the time to review my book! Glad you enjoyed reading it. :-)

    1. Hi Bethany! Adventure To Love was an entertaining fun read, I loved it! Thank you for the opportunity to host your virtual book tour event.

  2. Replies
    1. Fun dating reality tv romance story! Thank you for the opportunity to host the virtual book tour event.
