Books are food for my soul! Pull up a beach chair and stick your toes in the sand as the Jersey surf rolls in and out, now open your book and let your imagination take you away.

Monday, September 30, 2019

Fatal Strike by DiAnn Mills (VBT: Book Review / Contest Giveaway)

In association with Partners In Crime Virtual Book Tours, Jersey Girl Book Reviews is pleased to host the virtual book tour event for Fatal Strike by DiAnn Mills!

Fatal Strike by DiAnn Mills
Publication Date: September 3, 2019
Publisher: Tyndale House Publishers
Format: Hardcover - 400 pages
               Paperback - 400 pages
               Audio Book - 9 Hours 37 Minutes
               Kindle - 5855 KB
               Nook - 3 MB
ISBN (HC): 978-1496427090
ISBN (PB):  978-1496427106
ASIN (Audible): B07XD5MK1V
ASIN (Kindle): B07PGCCZ4N
BNID (Nook): 978-1496427120
Genre: Christian Fiction / Romantic Suspense 

Buy The Book:

Disclaimer: I received a copy of the book from the author / publisher via NetGalley in exchange for my honest book review and participation in a virtual book tour event hosted by Partners In Crime Virtual Book Tours.

Book Description:

There’s a killer on the loose in Galveston, targeting law enforcement officials and using a fatal injection of snake venom to take them down. Authorities have reasons to believe the Veneno gang is behind the hits, and FBI Agents Leah Riesel and Jon Colbert team up to track down those responsible. Their best lead is an eyewitness who identifies a young man dumping the third body on a church doorstep. But their suspect has gone into hiding, and those closest to him are reluctant to reveal anything that might help investigators find him.

As Leah and Jon check connections among the victims and dig deeper into motives, they discover appearances may be deceiving. Someone is desperate to keep their secrets hidden, and Leah and Jon must face their greatest fears in order to stop the next fatal strike.

Book Excerpt:

SPECIAL AGENT LEAH RIESEL scanned the headlines on her phone. A prosecutor from Galveston had been found murdered behind a construction site, the second apparent victim of gang violence in two days. Both deaths were caused by rattlesnake venom injections to the heart. Before she could pull up additional reports on the woman’s untimely death, Leah’s phone
“Riesel, hostage situation in Galveston,” the SWAT commander said. “Grab your gear. The chopper takes off in five.”
“On it.” She took a last lingering look at the half-eaten blueberry donut and coffee on her cubicle’s desk.
Could this have anything to do with the two murders in Galveston?
Before most of the city began the workday, Leah boarded a Little Bird helicopter beneath whirling blades and the pressure of a critical operation. Dressed in full camo and shouldering her sniper gear, she inhaled the rising temps. Feverish Houston. With the familiar air transport sounds ushering in memories of past missions, her adrenaline kicked in.
A pilot from the tactical helicopter unit lifted the chopper into the air for the twenty-minute ride to Galveston. She recognized him from previous assignments involving aircraft used to deliver SWAT and the elite hostage rescue teams to crisis incidents. This morning her focus eliminated any chitchat.
Leah grabbed sound-canceling headphones and contacted the SWAT commander already on the ground. “Riesel here. Special Agent in Charge Thomas briefed me on a home invasion that’s turned violent.”
The SAC would be watching the operation at the Crisis Management Operations Center.
“Negotiations have gotten us nowhere.” The SWAT commander’s voice rose above the chopper’s blade-snap. “Two unidentified men are holding two women and three children at gunpoint. Galveston PD estimates they’ve been inside the home for at least an hour. Demanding we leave the area after giving them five hundred grand and a gassed-up speedboat.
Clock is ticking with forty minutes max. We’ve backed off as far as they know.”
Leah swiped through pics taken with telephoto lenses and sent to her phone. Each ski-masked man held a child as a shield. Leah detested the savagery and the horrific emotions the hostages
must be feeling.
“We’re located on San Luis Pass Road on the western section of the island. Nearest house is five hundred yards away. Owners are in Europe. We’re in contact with the agency managing it.”
She didn’t need a key to access the home.
The SWAT commander continued. “One of the hostages is the owner of the home, Amanda Barton.”
“Is there a Mr. Barton in the picture?”
“Divorced. Lives in California.”
Unlikely the ex-husband was behind this.
“Agent Jon Colbert will be on scene shortly,” the commander said. “He had a deposition early this morning in Texas City and drove on to Galveston. Over the weekend, his SWAT partner had emergency knee surgery. Out for six weeks.”
And Leah’s partner had left the city yesterday on vacation.
The luck of the draw meant she and Jon would be working together. “I’ll contact you as soon as we land.”
Jon Colbert, a sniper who had excellent marksmanship and a stellar reputation, also worked organized crime. But she and Jon had never worked together. The idea of teaming up with an agent she barely knew made her uneasy. If a sniper mission required a partner, she preferred an established relationship where she would know how the person processed information.
Shoving aside her doubts, she narrowed her thoughts on what lay ahead. The precarious situation and local law enforcement’s inability to negotiate added up to why she and Jon had
been assigned to the case.
She grasped her backpack, lighter than usual with only a spotting scope, ammo, water, communication equipment, extra batteries, granola bar, and a handheld radio. Her Glock, as comfortable in her right hand as a toothbrush, found its spot in her back waistband. She touched her H-S Precision heavy tactical rifle.
The sooner she got to Galveston, the sooner she could provide intelligence and help neutralize the circumstances. Her priority was seeing the women and children freed from these ruthless men.
* * *
Jon received a text from Special Agent in Charge Thomas that Leah Riesel had left the Houston FBI office and was en route to Galveston. He’d met her a few times, and they’d qualified
together. Attractive woman—dark-brown hair, light-olive skin, New Yorker with the accent to prove it. Her professionalism in the violent crime division wavered between exceptional and extraordinary. A touch of toughness. Jon had heard not to make her mad—she had earned the nickname Panther for a reason. He remembered her stats—number three in the US for distance shots. Good thing he wasn’t easily intimidated.
Once the chopper landed, Leah would be transported in an unmarked car to a vacant house more than a quarter of a mile away from the Barton home. No point in making the two men more trigger-happy when they’d warned law enforcement to back off.
The SWAT commander spoke through Jon’s radio attached to his collar. “Thermal imaging confirms four adults and three children inside the Barton home. The men claim they’ll kill the
children first. We have fifteen minutes.”
In Galveston, Jon stopped at Broadway and Sixty-First Street. Tourists persisted in the middle of the thoroughfare, pushing strollers, riding surrey bikes, and enjoying the day. Some were dressed for the beach and others clutched what they needed for their excursion. All hindered his turn. Obstacles in his mission. If they knew the situation not far from them, they’d grab their loved ones and speed home. Each moment delayed his shot and shoved the hostages closer to death. A chilling composure took over his emotional, mental, and physical reactions. The busy street finally cleared. Jon turned west onto Seawall Boulevard and drove on to San Luis Pass. The hostage site was four and a half miles beyond there.
Were the two men inside the Barton home wannabes looking to make a name for themselves? Strung out on drugs? Was this a personal vendetta? No matter how this ended—either a surrender or he’d be instructed to take a shot— their moment in history would likely be the lead story on tonight’s news. His phone alerted him to an incoming call. He responded
before the first ring ended. “Colbert.” The chopper’s rhythmic whir reverberated through his phone.
“Riesel here. Landing in five at Galveston Island State Park. SWAT commander has given me a location on the west side of the Barton home.”
“I’ll be on foot by then. Taking a position on the east, beach side.”
“I’ll need seven minutes to get into place,” she said.
“Okay.” No need to remind her of the ticking clock.
He touched End and whipped his truck onto a beach-access road where police officers had instructed residents to shelter in place. He switched off the engine. Grabbing his gear, he bolted
down the beach. A Galveston police officer stopped him, and Jon handed him his ID. Seconds later, he moved toward his site.
A sultry breeze blew across the water, and he recalculated his shot.
Crouching low, he moved past police SWAT standing guard.
FBI SWAT held the position Riesel was headed for. They were racing against time, a commodity that stopped for nothing or no one. At any moment, one of the armed men could pull the
trigger on those inside the Barton home.
Tense muscles relaxed. His heartbeat slowed.
A clear head laid out the steps before the kill shot.
No mistakes.
A chance for the women and children to live another day.
Near a sand dune, he tuned out the occasional seagull and the waves rushing against the shore. After wiping the sweat from his hands on his pants, Jon set up his rifle and scope,
activated his radio, and spoke to the SWAT commander and Leah Riesel.
Excerpt from Fatal Strike by DiAnn Mills. Copyright © 2019 by DiAnn Mills. Reproduced with permission from DiAnn Mills. All rights reserved.

Book Trailer:

My Book Review:

In Fatal Strike, author DiAnn Mills transports the reader to Galveston, Texas for an intriguing Christian Fiction / Romantic Suspense story that will keep the reader guessing and turning the pages.

With the murder of three law enforcement officials in Galveston comes a request for FBI assistance. FBI Agents Leah Riesel and Jon Colbert are partnered together to investigate the murders and the possible ties to the Veneno gang, whose mantra is "reconquista" a returning of Texas to Mexico. Their murderous calling card is killing a person with rattlesnake venom injected into their heart. Can Leah and Jon figure out the motives for these high-profile murders before another fatal strike occurs?

Author DiAnn Mills weaves a fast-paced and suspenseful tale written in the third person narrative that follows FBI Agents Leah Riesel and Jon Colbert's investigative mission to find the murderers and bring them to justice . With a lot of gang activity, investigative methods, and a high stakes pursuit, Leah and Jon are determined to get justice before another fatal strike occurs.

I loved reading this action-packed story. Leah and Jon kept me intrigued as they investigated the murders of the three law enforcement officials. The reader will be easily drawn into this well written story with its richly descriptive plot that will keep them guessing as secrets, possible motives, and clues are uncovered during the investigation. I loved the intertwining of Leah and Jon's methodical procedural investigation with the unexpected attraction that sparked between them, their banter was humorous, and they worked really well as a team.

Fatal Strike has enough drama, tension, action, dark secrets, a touch of romance, and unexpected twists and turns that will take the reader on one heck of a thrilling roller coaster ride.


About The Author

DiAnn Mills is a bestselling author who believes her readers should expect an adventure. She weaves memorable characters with unpredictable plots to create action-packed, suspense-filled novels. DiAnn believes every breath of life is someone’s story, so why not capture those moments and create a thrilling adventure?

Her titles have appeared on the CBA and ECPA bestseller lists; won two Christy Awards; and been finalists for the RITA, Daphne Du Maurier, Inspirational Readers’ Choice, and Carol award contests.

DiAnn is a founding board member of the American Christian Fiction Writers, a member of Advanced Writers and Speakers Association, Mystery Writers of America, Sisters in Crime, and International Thriller Writers. She is co-director of The Blue Ridge Mountain Christian Writers Conference, Mountainside Marketing Conference, and the Mountainside Novelist Retreat with social media specialist Edie Melson where she continues her passion of helping other writers be successful. She speaks to various groups and teaches writing workshops around the country.

DiAnn has been termed a coffee snob and roasts her own coffee beans. She’s an avid reader, loves to cook, and believes her grandchildren are the smartest kids in the universe. She and her husband live in sunny Houston, Texas.

Author Website
Amazon Author Page
Barnes & Noble Author Page
BookBub Author Page

Contest Giveaway

Win $25 Amazon or B&N Gift Card

This is a rafflecopter giveaway hosted by Partners in Crime Virtual Book Tours for DiAnn Mills. There will be 2 winners each winning one (1) Gift Card (choice of Amazon or B&N). The giveaway begins on September 1, 2019 and runs through October 2, 2019. Void where prohibited.

Virtual Book Tour Event

Tour Participants:

09/01 Showcase @ Rockspringscrafts

09/02 Interview @ BooksChatter

09/03 Review @ Book Reviews From an Avid Reader

09/04 Showcase @ The Pulp and Mystery Shelf

09/05 Guest post/showcase @ CMash Reads

09/06 Showcase @ Stacking My Book Shelves!

09/09 Showcase @ Celticladys Reviews

09/10 Showcase @ The Bookworm Lodge

09/11 Showcase@ Eclectic Moods

09/12 Interview @ Reading A Page Turner

09/13 Guest post @ A Blue Million Books

09/15 Review @ Forever the Wanderer

09/15 Review @ Shalinis Books & Reviews

09/16 Showcase @ EienCafe

09/18 Interview @ Nesies Place

09/19 Showcase @ Book Reviews & More by Kathy

09/24 Review @ Quiet Fury Books

09/26 Review @ Brooke Blogs

09/26 Review @ By The Book

09/27 Review @ Lynchburg Mama

09/28 Review/showcase @ Cy Wyss -- Author and Artist

09/29 Review @ The World As I See It

09/30 Review @ Jersey Girl Book Reviews

Friday, September 27, 2019

Strands Of Truth by Colleen Coble (VBT: Book Review)

In association with Partners In Crime Virtual Book Tours, Jersey Girl Book Reviews is pleased to host the virtual book tour event for Strands Of Truth by Colleen Coble!

Strands Of Truth by Colleen Coble
Publisher: Thomas Nelson / HarpersCollins Publishing
Publication Date: September 10, 2019
Format: Hardcover - 336 pages
               Paperback - 336 pages 
               Kindle - 336 pages / 5603 KB
               AudioBook - 8 Hours 9 Minutes
               Nook - 336 pages - 5 MB
ISBN - HC: 978-0718085902
ISBN - PB: 978-0718085889
ASIN - AudioBook: B07KPLZ1DT
ASIN - Kindle: B07KF25NPS
BNID: 978-0718085896
Genre: Christian Fiction / Romantic Suspense

Buy The Book:

Disclaimer: I received a copy of the book from the author / publisher via NetGalley in exchange for my participation and book review in a virtual book tour event hosted by Partners In Crime Virtual Book Tours.

Book Description:

Strands of Harper Taylor’s childhood are resurfacing—but will the truth save her . . . or pull her under?

Harper Taylor is used to being alone— after all, she grew up in one foster home after another. Oliver Jackson finally took her under his wing when she was a runaway teenager, and now Harper pours her marine biology knowledge into Oliver’s pen shell research. But she’s never stopped wishing for a family of her own.

So when a DNA test reveals a half-sister living just two hours away, Harper is both hopeful and nervous. Over warm cinnamon rolls, Harper and Annabelle find striking similarities in their stories. Is it just a coincidence that both their mothers died tragically, without revealing Harper and Annabelle’s father’s name?

Oliver’s son Ridge still sees Harper as a troubled teen even all these years later. But when Oliver is attacked, Ridge and Harper find themselves working together to uncover dangerous secrets that threaten to destroy them all. They must unravel her past before they can have any hope for the future.

Book Excerpt:


January 1990

St. Petersburg, Florida

Lisa ran to her Datsun Bluebird and jerked open the yellow door. Her pulse strummed in her neck, and she glanced behind her to make sure she wasn’t being followed. She’d tried not to show fear during the confrontation, but it was all she could do not to cry. She couldn’t face life without him.

She’d been on edge ever since yesterday.

Twilight backlit the treetops and highlighted the hanging moss. Instead of finding it beautiful, she saw frightening shadows and shuddered. She slid under the wheel and started the engine, then pulled out of her driveway onto the road.

She turned toward the Gulf. The water always calmed her when she was upset—and she had crossed upset moments ago and swerved into the scared zone.

Her belly barely fit under the wheel, but this baby would be born soon, then she’d have her figure back.

She accelerated away from her home, a dilapidated one-story house with peeling
white paint, and switched on her headlights.

The radio blared full of the news about the Berlin Wall coming down, but Lisa didn’t care about that, not now. She switched channels until she found Tom Petty’s “Free Fallin’ ”playing, but even her favorite tune failed to sooth her shattered nerves. Could she seriously be murdered over this? She’d glimpsed madness in those eyes.

She pressed the brakes as she came to a four-way stop, but the brake pedal went clear to the floor. She gasped and pumped the pedal again. No response. The car shot through the intersection, barely missing the tail end of another vehicle that had entered it before her.

Hands gripping the steering wheel, she struggled to keep the car on the road as she frantically thought of a way to bring it to a stop that didn’t involve hitting another car or a tree. The baby in her belly kicked as if he or she knew their lives hung suspended in time.

“We’re going to make it, little one. We have to. I can’t leave you alone.” No one would love her baby if she died. Her mother couldn’t care for her child. She cared more about her drugs than anything else.

Lisa tried to tamp down her rising emotions, but she’d never been so frightened. The car fishtailed on the sandy road as she forced it back from the shoulder. Huge trees lined the pavement in a dense formation.

Where could she drive off into relative safety? A field sprawled over on the right, just past the four-way stop ahead. If she made it through, it seemed the only place where they might survive.

Had the brakes been cut? What else could it be? She’d just had the car serviced.
Lisa approached the stop sign much too fast. The slight downhill slope had only accelerated the speed that hovered at nearly seventy. Her mouth went bone dry.

My Book Review:

In Strands Of Truth, author Colleen Coble transports the reader to Dunedin, Florida for an intriguing Christian Fiction / Romantic Suspense story that will keep the reader guessing and turning the pages.

Marine biologist Harper Taylor is working on pen shell research with her mentor / business partner, Oliver Jackson. But growing up in the foster care system has left her longing for a family. Best friend Sara Kavanagh convinces Harper to submit a DNA test, with a result of a close family match, a half-sister named Annabelle Rice, who lives in Orlando. When Harper and Annabelle meet, they are both searching for their father, and find similarities in their mothers' pasts, especially when both mothers died tragically. As Harper and Annabelle search for the truth behind their mothers' deaths and the identity of their father, accidents and attempted kidnappings start to occur. Harper and Oliver's son Ridge Jackson investigate her and Ananabelle's past, but will they survive the danger around every corner as the strands of truth start to unravel?

Author Colleen Coble weaves a fast-paced and suspenseful tale written in the third person narrative that follows Harper and Ridge's investigative journey in search of the answers to Harper and Annabelle's pasts. When Harper and Annabelle's mothers cold-case murders intertwine with the present attacks, it will take a lot of digging and dangerous situations to find the truth.

The reader will be easily drawn into this well written story with its richly descriptive plot and setting. Strands Of Truth has enough drama, tension, action, flashbacks and clues from the past, romance, and unexpected twists and turns that will take the reader on one heck of a thrilling roller coaster ride.


About The Author

Colleen Coble is a USA TODAY bestselling author and RITA finalist best known for her coastal romantic suspense novels, including The Inn at Ocean’s Edge, Twilight at Blueberry Barrens, and the Lavender Tides, Sunset Cove, Hope Beach, and Rock Harbor series.

Author Website
Amazon Author Page
Barnes & Noble Author Page

Virtual Book Tour Event

Tour Participants

09/09 Guest post @ CMash Reads

09/10 Showcase @ The Pulp and Mystery Shelf

09/11 Review @ Lynchburg Mama

09/12 Review @ Wall-to-wall Books

09/13 Interview @ BooksChatter

09/13 Showcase @ My Reading Life

09/14 Review @ Ruthie Jones: Reading by Moonlight

09/15 Review @ Beths Book-Nook Blog

09/16 Interview @ Just Books

09/16 Review @ sunny island breezes

09/17 Showcase @ Reading A Page Turner

09/18 Review @ Shalinis Books & Reviews

09/19 Review @ Thats What Shes Reading

09/20 Review @ Mystery Suspense Reviews

09/21 Review @ Cassidys Bookshelves

09/22 Showcase @ Read and Review

09/23 Showcase @ EienCafe

09/24 Review @ Lauras Interests

09/25 Review @ Quiet Fury Books

09/25 Showcase @ Celticladys Reviews

09/26 Review @ JBronder Book Reviews

09/27 Review @ Jersey Girl Book Reviews

09/27 Showcase @ Eclectic Moods

09/28 Review @ The World As I See It

09/29 Review @ Cy Wyss: Author and Artist

09/30 Showcase @ The Bookworm Lodge

10/01 Review @ Nesies Place

10/01 Showcase @ What Is That Book About

10/02 Review @ Simply Kelina

10/03 Review @ Just Reviews

10/04 Review @ Forever the Wanderer

Monday, September 16, 2019

Eye For Eye by J.K. Franko (VBT: Book Review / Contest Giveaway)

In association with Partners In Crime Virtual Book Tours, Jersey Girl Book Reviews is pleased to host the virtual book tour event for Eye For Eye by author J.K. Franko!

Eye For Eye by J.K. Franko
Book 1: The Talion Series
Publisher: Talion Publishing
Publication Date: eBook - March 16, 2019 / PB - April 1, 2019
Format: Kindle - 4079 KB
               Paperback - 432 pages 
               Audiobook - 12 Hours 42 Minutes
ISBN: 978-1999318802
ASIN (eBook): B07PM8PM26
ASIN (Audiobook): B07QSB771N
Genre: Crime Thriller

Buy The Book:
Amazon (Free On Kindle Unlimited)

Buy The Series: The Talion Series
Prequel: The Trial Of Joe Harlan Junior (Publication Date: October 2019)
Book 1: Eye For Eye
Book 2: Tooth For Tooth (Publication Date: April 2020)

Disclaimer: I received a copy of the book from the author / publisher in exchange for my honest review and participation in a virtual book tour event hosted by Partners In Crime Virtual Book Tours.

Book Description:


Roy and Susie are on a skiing holiday, trying to take a break from the constant reminders of their daughter, tragically killed by a careless driver. Out of the blue they meet Deb and Tom, another couple with a tragic past and a shocking proposal to put things right.

As the bodies accumulate, secrets are revealed and alliances crumble. Ultimate survival depends on following the rules for a perfect murder. And the first rule is… leave no singing bones.

Book Excerpt:

When I try to piece together how this whole mess began, a part of me thinks it may have started over thirty years ago. At least the seeds were planted that far back, in the early 1980s. What happened then, at that summer camp in Texas, set the stage for everything that was to come.

Odd, how something so remote in time and geography continues to impact me here, today.

Sometimes I try to imagine her, how she felt—that eleven year-old girl—as she ran, stumbling and tripping through the woods that night. I try to put myself in her shoes. When I do, I wonder if
she was frightened.

Did she understand the consequences of what she’d gotten herself into? I imagine it felt otherworldly to her, like a dream. But not a good dream. No, one of the bad ones—the ones that make your heart machine-gun as you try to outrun some dark thing that’s chasing you. But the faster you try to run, the slower you go, your legs feeling leaden, clumsy, useless.

Panic sets in. Tears of frustration form. Fear takes hold and won’t let go. You open your mouth to scream but realize, to your horror, that you’re paralyzed. It’s not that you can’t scream; you can’t even breathe. Not a dream—a nightmare.

Then again, all that may simply be my imagination. It could just be me projecting what I might have felt onto Joan. Maybe she wasn’t scared at all.

True, it was dark out. The night smelled of rain, but there was no lightning, only the far-off rumble of thunder hinting at a distant storm. There were no trail lights, no visibility but for the
moon peeking out intermittently from behind a patchwork of clouds. But, Joan had been down this trail before. She was running toward the main cabin.

She had been at Camp Willow for almost two full weeks. She had been up and down that trail at least ten times a day, every day. Of course, that was during the day, and always with her buddy,
or a camp counselor (the children called them troop leaders). Joan had never been on the trail at night. And never alone.

Maybe I imagine Joan was scared because, as an adult, I believe that she should have been. I would have been terrified.

Book Trailer:

My Book Review:

In Eye For Eye, book one in the Talion Series, author J.K. Franko takes the reader behind the scenes of a riveting crime thriller as two couples navigate the slippery slope of pursuing the Law of Talion, seeking revenge for tragedies that have occurred to their families.

Author J.K. Franko asks the reader the following questions: what would you do if someone hurt the one you love? How far would you go to get revenge? For two married couples, the tragedies that befall their respective daughters leads the couples to consider choices of avenging the hurt and injury with a recriprocating punishment when an imperfect justice system fails them. Is seeking an eye for eye justified, or is there something more sinister lurking in the shadows?

Eye For Eye is a riveting story that easily draws the reader in from the start. The readers will be captivated as the author weaves a thoroughly intriguing and complicated story that follows married couples Susie Font and Roy Cruise and Deb and Tom Wise, as they take the law into their own hands with complicated choices and devestating consequences.

The author provides the reader with a fascinating and richly detailed crime thriller set in Miami and Austin. You can't help but get drawn into this complicated, fascinating, and multi-layered story told in an alternating first and third person narrative by an anonymous narrator. It has enough drama, secrets, deception, and tension that keeps the reader guessing as they turn the pages, wondering where the madness would end, but alas ... the author teases the reader with a surprising cliffhanger ending that will leave them wanting more as they await the continuation of the story in Tooth For Tooth, book two in the series.

Eye For Eye is a gripping and chilling crime thriller that is a must read for all crime thriller fans.


About The Author

J.K. FRANKO was born and raised in Texas. His Cuban-American parents agreed there were only three acceptable options for a male child: doctor, lawyer, and architect. After a disastrous first year of college pre-Med, he ended up getting a BA in philosophy (not acceptable), then he went to law school (salvaging the family name) and spent many years climbing the big law firm ladder. After ten years, he decided that law and family life weren’t compatible. He went back to school where he got an MBA and pursued a Ph.D. He left law for corporate America, with long stints in Europe and Asia.

His passion was always to be a writer. After publishing a number of non-fiction works, thousands of hours writing, and seven or eight abandoned fictional works over the course of eighteen years, EYE FOR EYE became his first published novel.

J.K. Franko now lives with his wife and children in Florida.

Author Website
Amazon Author Page

Contest Giveaway

Win A $15 Amazon Gift Card 


Autographed Copy of Eye For Eye

This is a rafflecopter giveaway hosted by Partners in Crime Virtual Book Tours for JK Franko. There will be 6 winners. Two (2) winners will each win (1) Gift Card. Two (2) winners will each win a signed copy of EYE FOR EYE by JK Franko (Open to U.S. addresses only) and Two (2) winners will each win a Knife set (Open to U.S. addresses only). The giveaway begins on July 22, 2019 and runs through September 22, 2019. Void where prohibited.


Virtual Book Tour 

Tour Participants:

07/22 Interview @ BooksChatter

07/23 Showcase @ Stacking My Book Shelves!

07/24 Showcase @ Just Books

07/25 Showcase @ Rocksprings crafts

07/26 Showcase @ The Pulp and Mystery Shelf

07/27 Showcase @ Eclectic Moods

07/29 Interview @ A Blue Million Books

07/31 Review @ Read and Review

07/31 Showcasse @ The Bookworm Lodge

08/01 Review @ The World As I See It

08/02 Review @ Books Direct

08/05 Review @ Shalinis Books & Reviews

08/08 Interview @ Reading A Page Turner

08/15 Guest post @ The Book Divas Reads

08/18 Review @ Cy Wyss -- Author and Artist

08/29 Interview @ CMash Reads

09/02 Review @ Thats What Shes Reading

09/05 Review @ Love My Dane Dolly

09/10 Review @ Quiet Fury Books

09/12 Blog Talk Radio w/Fran Lewis

09/12 Review @ Just Reviews

09/12 Review @ Nesies Place

09/16 Review @ Jersey Girl Book Reviews

09/18 Showcase @ Celticladys Reviews

09/20 Review @ Forever the Wanderer

09/20 Review @ fundinmental

Friday, September 6, 2019

The Not So Reluctant Detectives Series - Box Set by D.E. Haggerty (Book Review)

The Not So Reluctant Detectives Series - Box Set by D.E. Haggerty
Publisher: Independent Self Publishing
Publication Date: June 14, 2019
Format: e-Book / Kindle: 829 pages / 746 KB
ASIN: B07S372Z2X
Genre: Cozy Mystery

Buy The Box Set:
Book 1: Finders, Not Keepers
Book 2: Picture Not Perfect
Book 3: Hide Not Seek
Amazon   (Free On Kindle Unlimited)

Book Descriptions:

Join Terri, Melanie, and Pru as they dive headfirst into a whole mess of trouble. Nothing's stopping them from sticking their noses into the murder investigations, including the fact that they aren't detectives and have no idea what they're doing.

Finders, Not Keepers

When Terri finds a diamond and learns the owner’s murder remains unsolved, she decides to find a home for the necklace. Her research quickly becomes dangerous, and she embarks on a quest to solve the murder herself. Luckily, her neighbor, Ryder, is prepared to take any measure necessary to keep her safe because someone is determined to stop her inquiries.

Picture Not Perfect

A picture tells a story. But is it the truth? Melanie becomes a murder suspect when the police find pictures of her hanging up at her murdered colleague’s house. No way is Mel taking the rap for a murder she didn’t commit, but will Mel find the real killer before the detectives arrest her for murder?

Hide Not Seek

Pru has a secret. After a woman is murdered and all clues point to her, she has no choice but to disclose her true identity. When her revelations help thwart the killer’s plan to frame Pru for the murder, the killer begins stalking her. Will Pru and her friends uncover her stalker before he turns his violence on Pru?

Book Excerpts:

Finders, Not Keepers

Click on the link to read the book excerpt:

Picture Not Perfect

“Ms. Hanson, please have a seat.” Detective Meyer motioned to a chair before setting a bottle of water on the table in front of it. Then, he sat down and placed a file on the table in front of him. His partner remained standing in the corner of the room near the door. Mel started to stomp her way to the chair before remembering someone was probably watching and recording whatever she did and said in the room. She firmed her jaw before slowly walking to the chair and sitting down.

She took a few gulps of water before asking, “Is this where you finally tell me what’s going on?”

Instead of answering her question, the detective pulled a picture out of the file and put it on the table in front of her. “Do you know this man?”

Mel picked up the picture. “Sure. It’s Alfred Schultz. He’s a social sciences teacher at the high school where I’m a guidance counselor.” She handed the picture back to the detective. “Why?”

Again, he ignored her. He pulled out a series of pictures and laid them on the table in front of her. Mel looked down and gasped at what she saw. Every single picture was of her. “What in the world are you doing with these? What is going on?”

“These are pictures we found in Mr. Schultz’s apartment.”

“What?” Why would Alfred have pictures of her in his apartment? They weren’t friends. Was he following her? She shivered. The man’s creepiness level just skyrocketed. “What’s going on?”

“That’s what we’d like to know,” Detective Davis replied from her position leaning against the wall.

Mel’s hands shook as she gathered the pictures together and handed them back to the detective. She needed to calm down. Freaking out wouldn’t get her any answers. She forced herself to remember her yoga training. Calming breaths. She could do this. Deep breath in through the nose. Exhale through the mouth. Again. Breathe in. Breathe out.

“What was your relationship with Mr. Schultz?”

“We don’t really have a relationship. We’re colleagues. He’d like more, but …” she trailed off. Wait a second! Her mind rewound on his words. “Was? Did you say was?” She gulped. “What happened?”

“Mr. Schultz was found dead in his home yes—” His words were cut off by Detective Davis clearing her throat.

Mel gasped. “Found dead? Is that cop-speak for murdered?” At the detective’s nod, her mouth dropped open. “How? Why? Who?”

“We were hoping you could answer those questions for us,” Detective Davis answered. She was no longer casually leaning against the wall but now stood with her arms crossed over her chest staring down at Melanie.

“Me? Why would I be able to answer those questions for you?” In response, Davis merely tilted her head towards the pictures.

The pieces of the puzzle clicked together, and she finally realized what was going on. She jumped from her chair. “Holy moly! You think I had something to do with his death!”

My Book Reviews:

Finders, Not Keepers

In Finders, Not Keepers, the first book in The Not So Reluctant Detectives Series, author D.E. Haggerty weaves a delightful new cozy mystery series that follows the amateur investigative adventures of best friends and co-workers Terri Patterson and Melanie Hanson.

While cleaning out her attic, high school librarian Terri Patterson finds a large pear-shaped diamond pendant necklace on the floor in the corner of the attic. Terri thinks that the necklace must belong to the house's previous owner. Terri asks her hot private investigator neighbor Ryder Clark to help her locate the previous owner so that she can return the necklace. When the search for the previous owner, twenty-five year old accountant Jessica Collins, results in an unsolved murder from three years ago, Terri reluctantly helps Jessica's heirs, elderly aunt and uncle Suzanne and Phil Collins, investigate their niece's murder, and donate the necklace to a worthy foundation. Terri is determined to find the right foundation, but is also reluctantly drawn into solving Jessica's murder with the help of her overly-enthusiastic best friend Melanie, and her overly-protective neighbor Ryder. But the investigation doesn't go easy, especially when someone is determined to stop her inquiries at all costs.

Finders, Not Keepers is a thoroughly entertaining cozy mystery that will easily draw the reader into the intriguing trials and tribulations that Terri encounters as she follows the clues that will help solve Jessica's murder. While Terri is reluctant to investigate the murder, Melanie's sassy wit and determination to help Terri find the murderer adds humor to the crazy antics that ensues. And if the murder investigation isn't enough, the reader will enjoy the neighborly friendship that Terri and Ryder share, especially when it develops into an unexpected chance at romance.

I would be remiss if I didn't mention that I really loved how the author used clever librarian quotes at the beginning of each chapter.

Cozy mystery fans, I would highly recommend that you read this entertaining new The Not So Reluctant Detective Series, you won't regret it!


Picture Not Perfect

In Picture Not Perfect, the second book in The Not So Reluctant Detectives Series, author D.E. Haggerty continues to weave a delightful cozy mystery series that follows the amateur investigative adventures of best friends and co-workers Terri, Melanie and Prudence.

Someone is framing Melanie for the murder of her co-worker, creepy high school Social Science teacher Alfred Schultz. The detectives found pictures of Melanie at Alfred's apartment, and they think he was stalking her and that she put a fatal stop to it. Melanie is determined to find the real murderer, so with the help of Terri, Ryder (Terri's private investigator boyfriend), Owen (Melanie's ex-police officer boyfriend), and co-worker Prudence, they embark on a murder investigation adventure that is sure to find the murderer, and prove Melanie's innocence before she finds herself arrested for murder!

Picture Not Perfect is a thoroughly entertaining cozy mystery that will keep the reader in stitches. Set in Milwaukee, the reader follows the humorous trials and tribulations of Melanie, Terri, and Prudence on their latest amateur investigative adventures.

This was such a fun book to read! The reader can't help but get drawn into the quirky trials and tribulations and intriguing suspense that Melanie and friends encounter as they fly by the seat of their pants during their murder investigation. I really enjoyed Melanie's sassy humor and wit, you can't help but feel compassion for her determination to find the real murderer and prove her innocence, and when you add in the hilarious antics that follows these three cheeky chicks and their boyfriends, you get a delightful cozy mystery that will leave you wanting more! And if the murder investigation isn't enough, the reader will enjoy the romantic angst that Melanie and Owen share as they go through the trials and tribulations of their on-again-off-again romantic relationship.

I would be remiss if I didn't mention that I really loved how the author used clever quotes at the beginning of each chapter.

Cozy mystery fans, I would highly recommend that you read the entertaining The Not So Reluctant Detective Series, you won't regret it!


Hide Not Seek

In Hide Not Seek, the third book in The Not So Reluctant Detectives Series, author D.E. Haggerty continues to weave a delightful cozy mystery series that follows the amateur investigative adventures of best friends and co-workers Terri, Melanie and Prudence.

Pru's secretive past has come back to haunt her. Someone has tried to set Pru up for the murder of a local woman, but that's not all. Pru has a stalker who is leaving her notes, and she is ready to high-tail it out of Milwaukee, but Pru's special guy Ajax isn't going to let her run away, he is determined to keep her safe. And when you have a friend like Melanie who is determined to find the stalker, Pru has no chance but to go along with friends Mel, Terri, Ryder (Terri's private investigator boyfriend), Owen (Melanie's police officer fiance), and Ajax, as they embark on a murder investigation adventure that is sure to find the murderer / stalker before it turns deadly!

Hide Not Seek is a thoroughly entertaining cozy mystery that will keep the reader engaged as they follow the humorous trials and tribulations of Melanie, Terri, and Prudence on their latest amateur investigative adventures.

This was such a fun book to read! The reader can't help but get drawn into the quirky trials and tribulations and intriguing suspense that Pru and friends encounter as they fly by the seat of their pants during their latest murder / stalker investigation.

In this latest installment of The Not So Reluctant Detective Series, the reader finally gets to read Pru's story, one that is filled with enough past secrets that will keep you wondering who she really is. I really enjoyed Melanie's sassy humor and wit, you can't help but laugh as this feisty chick coerces her friends to embark on another investigation adventure through her tireless determination, and when you add in the hilarious antics that follows these three cheeky chicks and their boyfriends, you get a delightful cozy mystery that will leave you wanting more! And if the murder /stalker investigation isn't enough, the reader will enjoy the romantic angst that Pru and Ajax share as they go through the trials and tribulations of their blossoming romantic relationship.

I would be remiss if I didn't mention that I really loved how the author used clever English Literature quotes at the beginning of each chapter.

Cozy mystery fans, I would highly recommend that you read the entertaining The Not So Reluctant Detective Series, you won't regret it!


About The Author

I grew up reading everything I could get my grubby hands on, from my mom's Harlequin romances, to Nancy Drew, to Little Women. When I wasn't flipping pages in a library book, I was penning horrendous poems, writing songs no one should ever sing, or drafting stories which have thankfully been destroyed. College and a stint in the U.S. Army came along, robbing me of free time to write and read, although on the odd occasion I did manage to sneak a book into my rucksack between rolled up socks, MRIs, t-shirts, and cold weather gear. After surviving the army experience, I went back to school and got my law degree. I jumped ship and joined the hubby in the Netherlands before the graduation ceremony could even begin. A few years into my legal career, I was exhausted, fed up, and just plain done. I quit my job and sat down to write a manuscript, which I promptly hid in the attic before returning to the law. But practicing law really wasn’t my thing, so I quit (again!) and went off to Germany to start a B&B. Turns out running a B&B wasn’t my thing either. I polished off that manuscript languishing in the attic before following the husband to Istanbul where I decided to give the whole writer-thing a go. But ten years was too many to stay away from my adopted home. I packed up again and moved to The Hague where, in between tennis matches and failing to save the world, I’m currently working on my next book. I hope I’ll always be working on my next book.Picture Not Perfect is my fourteenth novel.

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