
Thursday, March 15, 2012

The Fat Chick Works Out! by Jeanette DePatie

The Fat Chick Works Out by Jeanette DePatie
Published By: Real Big Publishing
Release Date: April 15, 2011
Format: Paperback - 230 pages / Kindle - 1418 KB / Nook - 2 MB
ISBN: 0983343707
Genre: Non-Fiction / Exercise & Fitness / Health, Mind & Body / Women's Health

About The Author: 

Jeanette DePatie, MA, ACE is a plus-sized, certified fitness instructor who helps people who haven’t worked out in a while (or ever) learn to love their bodies and love exercise again.

Her works include:
The Fat Chick Works Out!  (Fitness that’s Fun and Feasible for Folks of All Ages, Shapes, Sizes and Abilities)

The Fat Chick Works Out!  (A Safe, Easy and Fun Workout DVD for Klutzes, Wimps and Absolute Beginners)”

Jeanette DePatie (AKA The Fat Chick) travels around the country sharing her passion for fitness for people of all shapes and sizes.  Ms. DePatie has served as a spokeswoman for NAAFA (The National Association to Advance Fat Acceptance) and currently serves as a spokeswoman for The Association for Size Diversity and Health where she commonly speaks on the topic of Health At Every Size®. She has been interviewed many times on television, radio and in print by many important organizations including The New York Times, The Boston Globe, CBS Health and Fox News.

BUY THE BOOK: The Fat Chick Works Out!

Disclaimer: At the request of the author and publisher, a Paperback edition of the book was sent, at no cost to me, for my honest review and participation in hosting the virtual book event. 

Virtual Book Tour Event: On Thursday, March 15, 2012, author Jeanette DePatie participated in a virtual book event with an Author Guest Post on Jersey Girl Book Reviews.

Book Description: 

Based on knowledge gleaned over a lifetime of getting her big butt in motion and decades of teaching people who haven’t exercised in a while (or ever), are terrified of exercise, or just hate to exercise The Fat Chick Works Out! helps you hop off the Big Fat Cycle and enjoy moving your body again.

The book has three main sections:  “Get Ready!” helps you revise your thinking about your body and your relationship with fitness.  “Get Set” helps you design an exercise program that fits your life and your body.  “Go” gets you started on your twelve-week journey towards fitness and helps you fly above, around and through all the obstacles life throws your way so you can stick with the program.

Filled with over 50 daily exercises, tons of color pictures and hilarious and sometimes heartbreaking stories from The Fat Chick’s own journey, The Fat Chick Works Out! will not only help you get fit, but also help you love and find peace in the skin you’re in.

My Book Review: 

How many exercise/fitness plans and diets have you tried with little success? Too many to count that left you disgusted that you quit? Well let Jeanette DePatie aka "The Fat Chick" show you how to succeed with a fitness plan that is easy, fun and feasible to do for everyone of all ages, shapes, sizes and abilities!

The Fat Chick Works Out! is a great fitness book that embraces and encourages all people to jump on the band wagon to live a happy and healthy lifestyle. This inspiring book is easy to read with a 12 week fitness plan that will walk you through each week's lesson plan, it's really easy peasy! This isn't a diet book, the author encourages the reader to embrace the concept of living a healthy lifestyle: body, mind and spirit. This fitness book is fun, it has a lot of great informational tidbits and the little chick illustrations throughout the book are awesome and will make you laugh. Finally there is a fitness book that will help you to actually have fun while you work towards living a healthy fit lifestyle!

When I was asked to read and review The Fat Chick Works Out!, I had been looking for a fitness program that would help me get back into shape, in addition to also help me live a more healthy lifestyle. I am glad that I got this chance, because as I get older (late 40s) I have seen how my eating habits and lack of a good fitness program have left me cringing in the mirror. As the Spring and Summer season is upon us, I am embracing the concept and fitness plan that Jeanette easily spells out for her readers ... all it takes is your willingness, determination and willpower to get off your couch and just do it!

The Fat Chick Works Out! is a fitness book that everyone can utilize. The author provides a wide range of information, technique and tools to help you along the path to a healthy happy lifestyle. With over 50 exercises, lots of advice, and excerpts from the author's own journey, this book will help you design a fitness program that will fit your specific needs.

The Fat Chick Works Out! is an inspirational and motivational fitness book that will give you a new outlook on fitness, teaching you how to love your body and live a healthy lifestyle ... so what are you waiting for?


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