
Thursday, March 15, 2012

Author Guest Post: Jeanette DePatie, Author of The Fat Chick Works Out!

Jersey Girl Book Reviews welcomes Jeanette DePatie, author of The Fat Chick Works Out! 

The Fat Chick Works Out! 

(Fitness that’s Fun and Feasible for Folks of All Ages, Shapes, Sizes and Abilities)

You might be wondering, who is The Fat Chick, and why on earth did she choose THAT name for herself?  Hi I’m Jeanette DePatie (AKA The Fat Chick) and I’m a plus-sized, certified fitness instructor who helps people who haven’t worked out in a while (or ever) to learn to love their bodies and love exercise again.  I call myself The Fat Chick because: A) I’m fat, and B) I think it’s very important for my readers to recognize that not all people who exercise look the same.  Some people who work out look like fitness magazine cover models.  Some people who work out look more like me.  But regardless of how closely your appearance maps to that of your favorite supermodel, you can enjoy fantastic benefits from exercise.  Every BODY can work out!

I am constantly amazed by the personal transformations and changes I’ve seen among people who simply add a little regular exercise to their lives.  I’ve seen people who could barely lift a gallon of milk progress to the point they can lift their 4-year-old grandchildren.  I’ve watched students, who could barely walk from the car to the studio for their first fitness class, progress over the course of a single year to the point where they are dancing with their wives again, or spending the entire day walking around a theme park or museum.  I get so excited as I travel around the country and watch people dump their emotional baggage around physical activity, pick up a tiara, feather boa, sparkly ring or dapper hat and just shake what God gave ‘em!  I watch the light come into their eyes as they stop worrying about the size of their bodies and start focusing on the amazing things their bodies can do!

But if you haven’t worked out in a while (or ever) you might not be sure how to get going.  You may wonder how you should start, how much or what kind of exercise you should do, how you can get stronger, how you can keep from getting hurt and lots of other things.  The Fat Chick Works Out! is a fantastic tool for getting exercise back into your life.  This 12-week program incorporates humor and a lot of practical exercises to help you physically, intellectually and spiritually reintegrate fitness into your daily life.  The book helps you take one tiny step and then another until you find yourself living fitter, stronger and better.  But it doesn’t matter how tiny your first steps are. It only matters that you start!  Over time, every BODY can learn to be fit. 

About The Author:

Jeanette DePatie, MA, ACE is a plus-sized, certified fitness instructor who helps people who haven’t worked out in a while (or ever) learn to love their bodies and love exercise again.

Her works include:
The Fat Chick Works Out!  (Fitness that’s Fun and Feasible for Folks of All Ages, Shapes, Sizes and Abilities)

The Fat Chick Works Out!  (A Safe, Easy and Fun Workout DVD for Klutzes, Wimps and Absolute Beginners)”

Jeanette DePatie (AKA The Fat Chick) travels around the country sharing her passion for fitness for people of all shapes and sizes.  Ms. DePatie has served as a spokeswoman for NAAFA (The National Association to Advance Fat Acceptance) and currently serves as a spokeswoman for The Association for Size Diversity and Health where she commonly speaks on the topic of Health At Every Size®. She has been interviewed many times on television, radio and in print by many important organizations including The New York Times, The Boston Globe, CBS Health and Fox News.

BUY THE BOOK: The Fat Chick Works Out!

Book Description: The Fat Chick Works Out! 

Based on knowledge gleaned over a lifetime of getting her big butt in motion and decades of teaching people who haven’t exercised in a while (or ever), are terrified of exercise, or just hate to exercise The Fat Chick Works Out! helps you hop off the Big Fat Cycle and enjoy moving your body again.

The book has three main sections:  “Get Ready!” helps you revise your thinking about your body and your relationship with fitness.  “Get Set” helps you design an exercise program that fits your life and your body.  “Go” gets you started on your twelve-week journey towards fitness and helps you fly above, around and through all the obstacles life throws your way so you can stick with the program.

Filled with over 50 daily exercises, tons of color pictures and hilarious and sometimes heartbreaking stories from The Fat Chick’s own journey, The Fat Chick Works Out! will not only help you get fit, but also help you love and find peace in the skin you’re in.

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