
Wednesday, February 25, 2015

Madeline Cain: Adventures in Fashion by Emily Craven (Author Interview / Book Review)

In association with Chick Lit Plus Blog Tours, Jersey Girl Book Reviews is pleased to host the virtual book tour event for Madeline Cain: Adventures in Fashion by Author Emily Craven!

Author Interview

Welome to Jersey Girl Book Reviews, Emily!

Before we get to the interview, can you tell our readers a little bit about yourself.

Hi everyone *waves* I was first inspired to placed pen to paper when I was 12, after I learnt my favourite author, Isobelle Carmody, began her first novel at 14. I finished the first draft of two manuscripts while completing a Bachelor of Science (Space Science and Astrophysics and Geophysics) at the University of Adelaide. So technically, I can claim to be an astrophysicist (stars), geophysicist (rocks) and writer (crazy). I write YA fiction, Fantasy and non-fiction. I live in Australia and yes, back when I was a teenager my high school had its own herd of Kangaroos. I’ve been to almost every continent (Africa being my weakness in continent-domination) and have the pretty photographs to prove it (though probably less professional than Madeline Cain...).

Unusual talents and hobbies include: Getting excited at the thought of sky diving (though if you try to attach me to the end of a bungee cord I will take you down with me). I love belly dancing, singing, am a self-confessed Trekkie, and will never pass up a good bar of chocolate. If you put me anywhere in the vicinity of snow I turn into a five year old.

I have a website, two blogs, one on writing ( and one on independent publishing and digital storytelling (, and also run real life choose-your-own-adventures at You can find me on Twitter @TheMadelineCain or on Facebook at 

How long have you been a writer? What inspired you to become a writer?

I’d like to say I’ve been a writer since I was old enough to crayon the walls but that would be a lie. I originally started writing when I was twelve, after I learnt one of my favourite authors, Isobelle Carmody, started her first book at 14. I worked on that book throughout high school and every once in a while I still go back and edit it or turn it into something new, heck, this year I’m turning it into a serial podcast! I’m a bit bull headed so it’s unlikely I will ever throw any of my old manuscripts away. They will work. All of them. Eventually.

Do you have a day job, or is being an author your career?

I’m not that well known yet! I do have a day job, though many people might consider that I’m still being an ‘author’ when I do it. I run real life choose-your-own-adventures around various cities and towns in Australia. I pull together writers, artists and musicians to create stories where participants will find themselves trying to bring down an alien invasion in Adelaide, or trying to survive a zombie apocalypse in Brisbane as they run about the city. Last year I turned this project (originally known as Street Reads - into a GPS app called Story City ( and hope to start doing adventures for cities in other countries sometime soon. They’re a great mix of city tour guide and adventure – I call it cultural tourism. Who hasn’t read a book where they actually wanted to be part of it?! This is my way to do that.

Please give a brief description/storyline about Madeline Cain: Adventures In Fashion.

It’s the second book and the final 6 months of Madeline’s time in NYC. She’s got herself a new Honey (Kevin) and she’s absolutely certain that the rest of the year will be smooth sailing. But with Madeline, things are never that simple! A bombshell is dropped, she needs to pick a photographic specialisation before the year is out or risk losing the career of her dreams. The problem? She's about as sure of her photographic passion as a hiker is of outrunning a bear.

Thus Madeline begins her search for her one true path but instead is presented with certifiably insane children, lip-synching rockers, a dog whisperer, and… zombies? But it’s not until Madeline secures a 'life-debt' by saving a potential mobster from a gun-wielding cross-dresser that she sets her sights on an amazing internship opportunity.

Life is going to hell in a hand basket but Madeline is going to ride that wave, even if it leads her and Kevin into rocky territory…

The entire book is written as though you are reading Madeline’s Facebook page, each section told through status updates, Facebook notes and comments.

What was the inspiration for this story?

The Madeline Cain series came about when I was in a writing rut. I normally write fantasy but found the creative juices just weren't enough to fill a glass. So I decided to challenge myself to write a novel in a month and it was going to be FUN! Which meant I wanted a title that didn't take itself too seriously. It was about a girl's wacky travels and her passion, so I thought back to when I was a young girl and had no modesty when naming things, hence the title The Grand Adventures of Madeline Cain. This ended up being the first book in a series – and yes, I promise that was my zero draft and not the one eventually published!

Originally I started sourcing ideas from friends on Facebook and I thought, why stop at brain storming? This is how I communicate with my friends, particularly when I travel overseas, and the most entertaining parts of my day are via posts on the social media site. We were telling each other our life stories and I didn’t see why it couldn’t work as a narrative. And, frankly, my friends are nuts, they bring the funnies like a troop of clowns from a clown car. And this way I could legitimately log my hours on Facebook as ‘research’. How many writers can claim changing their Facebook to Pirate English as a good use of their time? Very few I’d wager.

How did it feel to have your first book published?

Like I’d stepped out into the void! It’s both exhilarating that your work is out there, and utterly terrifying to think people might look at you and ask, “Just how many tequilas did you have before you sat down to write this?”

Do you write books for a specific genre?

I know a lot of writers do this, but no. I don’t. I get super-duper bored with writing in the same genre, just as I would get super bored reading nothing but one genre. Though my books are normally in the YA or NA bracket they range from contemporaries (like the Madeline Cain Series) to fantasy and non-fiction. The next book I’m rolling around in my head is going to combine fantasy with a detective story.

What genres are your favorite(s)? What are some of your favorite books that you have read and why?

I love chick-lit and fantasy, they take up the most space on my book shelves. Looking at them you can see the clear biases: Meg Cabot, Cecilia Ahern, Isobelle Carmody, Diana Wynne Jones, Tamora Pierce etc. I’ve got too many favourite (forgive the Australian spelling there!) books to mention, so I’ll narrow it to two:

Boy Meets Girl by Meg Cabot: I love this book because it was the first book I ever read that was written in a ‘digital’ format, and by that I mean in emails. Back when I first started reading it, emails were the new thing that I had and my parents didn’t. I loved seeing what the characters really thought of each other and predicting their reactions when the inevitable misunderstandings occurred.

A Place Called Here by Cecelia Ahern: I love the premise of this book, finding yourself in the place where all lost things go!? How wonderful would it be if this place really existed? It would make me less frantic then next time I lost something if I just knew where it would end up. This book is so clever and heart-felt.

Do you have a special "spot/area" where you like to do your writing?

I am happy to write most places, as long as they are quiet! As soon as you put music on I can’t concentrate on anything. But the main place I write is in our spare bedroom looking out onto a tidal drain. I know it doesn’t sound too appealing, but when it’s full of water I can imagine I have bought a place on the bank of a river and a gentleman will putt along in a rowboat at any minute and doff his hat to me.

How do you come up with the ideas that become the storyline for your books?

I throw a prompt out on Facebook usually. These books are written like Facebook, from Facebook! If I’m struggling to find the perfect scenario, but I know what I want to achieve, I’ll ask my over-imaginative friends to give me the craziest ideas inside their head and see if they can be moulded into anything sensible. Or completely ludicrous, depending on my mood.

When you write, do you adhere to a strict work schedule, or do you work whenever the inspiration strikes?

I’m not strict (Life won’t let you rule it after all) but I do try to write every weekday for at least an hour (or two if I can get away with it). Some days I can’t make it. I feel guilty, down a glass of red, and start the new day having blanked the previous day’s guilt from my memory Bernard Black style.

What aspects of storytelling do you like the best, and what aspects do you struggle with the most?

I loath first drafts. That blank page, that god awful blinking cursor, “Why are you writing? Why aren’t you writing?” Because I hate you! That’s why I force myself to write every day, otherwise I would never write. I try to convince myself it’s ok to throw crap onto a page and call it art, no one is going to see the first draft. It doesn’t work, of course, but I reward myself with macaroons so it kind of balances out. My favourite part of the process is editing, where the vindictive part of me takes over and says, “Your words suck! So I shall change them all!” Somehow this is easier than the initial creation. It’s probably why I’m a horrible person to have in a writers group, I’ll tinker with your piece if you’re silly enough to hand it to me.

What are your favorite things to do when you are not writing?

I dabble in a bit of belly dancing. I have jubbly bits so I figure, why not make them do something constructive like wobble on purpose?

What is/was the best piece of writing advice that you have received?

Sit your arse down and write. You’ve only got as much time as the rest of us.

What is the most gratifying thing you feel or get as a writer?

When people actually bother to tweet me to say how much they like the book. If you’re willing to publically go out on a limb to say your brain works like mine, then you are the most amazing person on the planet and I am forever in your debt. I may even write an ode to you.

How do you usually communicate with your readers/fans?

I get lonely as a writer so I try to communicate in all the places. On Facebook, Twitter, Goodreads, Email. I particularly like the people who are on my newsletter list, they totally get me and the crazy launch plans I make. I’ve also set up real Facebook pages for each of the main characters in the series, so readers can go to the characters direct.

Is there anything in your book based on real life experiences or are they purely all from your imagination?

The majority is based on imagination (if I was subjected to all of this I would have removed myself from polite society long ago). However, much of the craziness was at least inspired by life. I've travelled a lot and done some pretty silly things, some of which have been folded back into the story. Madeline's brother does some awesome evil genius things that my partner's brother has done, my mother would always tell me that they had a wonderful course back in my home town that I could take if I just left that 'silly place' and came home, and I have a friend who constantly picks up the world's most rare medical conditions.

What is your definition of success as a writer?

When people start making fan art. Oh! And fan fiction. That is when I’ll classify myself as a success.

Are you currently writing a new book? If yes, would you care to share a bit of it with us?

I’m always working on a new book! In fact I’m working on a short novella in the Madeline Cain series that happens before the two books. I wanted to give readers a taste of the Madeline Cain world before her New York trip, when she first joined Facebook. When it’s finally ready, it will be available for free to whoever wishes to read it.

And speaking of free, if you grab a copy of Madeline Cain: Adventures In Fashion before the end of this virtual blog tour (4th of March) and email me your receipt at, I will send you the first book in the Madeline Cain series, The Grand Adventures of Madeline Cain, for free!

Thank you Emily for visiting Jersey Girl Book Reviews and sharing a bit about yourself and your writing career!

About The Author

Emily Craven was first inspired to placed pen to paper when she was 12, after she learnt her favourite author, Isobelle Carmody, began her first novel at 14. Emily finished two manuscripts while completing a Bachelor of Science (Space Science and Astrophysics and Geophysics) at the University of Adelaide. So technically, she can claim to be an astrophysicist (stars), geophysicist (rocks) and writer (crazy). She writes YA fiction, Fantasy and non-fiction. Emily lives in Australia and yes, back when she was a teenager her high school had its own herd of Kangaroos. She's been to almost every continent (Africa being her weakness in continent-domination) and has the pretty photographs to prove it (though probably less professional than Madeline Cain...).

Unusual talents and hobbies include: Getting excited at the thought of sky diving (though if you try to attach her to the end of a bungee cord she will take you down with her). She loves belly dancing, singing, is a self-confessed Trekkie, and will never pass up a good bar of chocolate. If you put her anywhere in the vicinity of snow, she turns into a five year old.


Book Review

The Grand Adventures of Madeline Cain: Photographer Extraordinaire by Emily Craven
Book 1: The Grand Adventures of Madeline Cain Series
Publisher: Craven Publishing
Publication Date: September 20, 2012 (PB) / June 20, 2013 (eBook)
Format: Paperback - 250 pages
             Kindle - 2901 KB
             Nook - 2 MB
ISBN: 978-0987500649
BNID: 2940044366008
Genre: YA Fiction

BUY THE BOOK: The Grand Adventures of Madeline Cain

Disclaimer: I received a copy of the book from the author in exchange for my honest review and participation in a virtual book tour event hosted by Chick Lit Plus Blog Tours.

Book Description:

"The problem with Facebook is, you can't fail at life in private."

Madeline Cain has made it! A New York City adventure and acceptance into a world famous photography school in Greenwich Village. What else could await an Australian in the big city but glamour, fun and kickass photo opportunities? All she needs is Facebook to brag to family and friends back home and she’s set. Right? Right??

Not quite.

From the moment she’s forced to make ends meet by accepting a job as a pizza delivery girl chaos becomes a close friend, much to the delight of her growing Facebook followers. As Madeline struggles not to embarrass herself in front of her hot (but taken) neighbour, Kevin, she must survive abusive umbrellas, deliveries to cross-dressing dwarfs, and completely unwarranted FBI questioning. Things move from the crazy to the ridiculous when she accidentally blackmails Kevin’s millionaire girlfriend with photos of her cheating on him.

Does Madeline accept the bribe money she desperately needs or protect her budding relationship with Kevin the hottie?

Written as though you are reading Madeline’s Facebook page, The Grand Adventures of Madeline Cain is a modern tale that will leave you in stitches.

Madeline Cain: Adventures in Fashion by Emily Craven
Book 2: The Grand Adventures of Madeline Cain Series
Publisher: Craven Publishing
Publication Date: December 29, 2014
Format: eBook - 450 pages
              Kindle - 2698 KB
              Nook - 3 MB
ISBN: 9780987500670
BNID: 2940046472622
Genre: YA Fiction

BUY THE BOOK: Madeline Cain: Adventures in Fashion

Disclaimer: I received a copy of the book from the author in exchange for my honest review and participation in a virtual book tour event hosted by Chick Lit Plus Blog Tours.

Book Description:

Madeline Cain knows that after six chaotic months, the rest of her time in New York City will be smooth sailing with Kevin -- her new squeeze -- by her side. That is, until Madeline's idols drop a bombshell - she needs to pick a specialisation before the year is out or risk losing the career of her dreams. The problem? She's about as sure of her photographic passion as a hiker is of outrunning a bear.

Thus Madeline begins her search for her one true path with student-arranged assignments featuring certifiably insane children, lip-synching rockers, a dog whisperer, and… zombies? But it’s not until Madeline secures a 'life-debt' by saving a potential mobster from a gun-wielding cross-dresser that she sets her sights on an amazing internship opportunity.

Is her new patron really part of the mob? Can she nail this internship when all her experiments are going to hell? And how does she deal with Kevin's obsession over her escapades?

Written as though you’re reading Madeline's Facebook page, Adventures in Fashion will leave you giggling on the floor as Maddie posts about the second half of her Big Apple adventure.

Book Excerpt:

Your Un-Invitation To The Annual I’Anson Charity Ball!

EVENT INVITATION> Suggest your friends [Edit Event]

You are Attending. Private event

Time: 16th June at 18:30

Location: NYC

Created by: Madeline Cain, Jarrah Annelli, Jade Annelli, Josh Anneli, Richard Arnoou, Cain Michaels, Victoria Zeng.

More Info: The 2012 class from Jason I’Anson’s School of Photography, cordially un-invite you to the Annual Charity Ball. The Ball, being only for important rich people and good-looking volunteers such as ourselves, is the star studded photography event of the year. Not only will some of the world’s best photography (*cough**cough* ours *cough**cough*) grace the halls of Manhattan’s elite, but vast sums of money will be raised for the Children’s Camera Drive, a charity that provides orphans and street kids around the world with a chance to express themselves through photography.

Why would we bother to un-invite you? Well, we’re a generous lot, we know you’d kill to be there, so we thought we’d throw you a bone and let you feel like you’re involved. Hey, an un-invitation is better than being ignored.

Write something... [Share]

Kathy Bloomingdale So you’re inviting us, to not be invited, to an event I wouldn’t be able to get to without a teleporter? Posted Saturday 16th June at 15:18 [Comment . Like]

Madeline Cain NYC Cinderella I’d like to point out you’re not invited not because we hate you, but because you’re poor. Posted Saturday 16th June at 15:20 [Comment . Like]

Tim Gleeve Teleporters are science fiction Kathy, if they were real I’d have one in my basement. However, that doesn’t strike me out of the race! I could probably get there with a space shuttle sized jetpack! I’ll just get dressed in my zero-G space suit and grab my pack from the shed. Posted Saturday 16th June at 15:23 [Comment . Like]

Tim Gleeve Shit, jetpack’s too dusty, guess I’ll have to miss this gag-tastic ball. Posted Saturday 16th June at 15:25 [Comment . Like]

Madeline Cain NYC Cinderella Wolverine was there. Posted Sunday 17th June at 11:13 [Comment . Like]

Tim Gleeve Flaming Barf Balls!! Seriously? Right, new genie wish: go back in time to my high-school self, convince him to gain your romantic trust, follow you to New York AND MEET WOLVERINE!! Posted Sunday 17th June at 15:30 [Comment . Like]

Kathy Bloomingdale All to meet an actor?? Why can’t you do that to meet a girl? Posted Sunday 17th June at 16:14 [Comment . Like]

Tim Gleeve How dare you downgrade his legend to the piddly title of actor! Posted Sunday 17th June at 16:17 [Comment . Like]

Kathy Bloomingdale Well at least you’re crushing on comic book characters now and not electronics. Posted Sunday 17th June at 17:05 [Comment . Like]

Mike Cain We all know an un-invite is just a sneaky invite. You’ve just got to prove you’re worthy enough to decipher the real instructions. I noticed that the actual address of your event is missing. It is but a tiny hurdle for my awesome genius. Posted Saturday 16th June at 15:18 [Comment . Like]

Madeline Cain NYC Cinderella And only sending the un-invite three hours before the event? Posted Sunday 17th June at 11:17 [Comment . Like]

Mike Cain Stopping time is a slightly larger hurdle. But, I will prevail! Posted Sunday 17th June at 12:20 [Comment . Like]

Josh Annelli That was a more eventful than I thought it would be… Posted Sunday 17th June at 20:20 [Comment . Like]

Richard Arnoou You mean nerve-wracking don’t you? I think half a cup of spit ended up on the Mayor’s shirt before I could get out my first word. Posted Sunday 17th June at 21:07 [Comment . Like]

Jade Annelli We had no idea you were staring in your own version of Cougar Town, Bro. Posted Sunday 17th June at 21:12 [Comment . Like]

Madeline Cain NYC Cinderella At least you didn’t end up with a penis icicle in your drink when you were introduced to a curator at the Guggenheim. Posted Sunday 17th June at 23:00 [Comment . Like]

Josh Annelli Sis, I can handle frisky middle aged women, what I was referring to was the scene Maddie managed to orchestrate, though the phallic icicle is an addition I was unaware of. I was there when you spoke to the curator too, no idea how I missed that. Good to see you balance the public moments with the private ones, Maddie. Posted Sunday 17th June at 23:05 [Comment . Like]

Madeline Cain NYC Cinderella You were probably too busy ogling the curator’s PA. She was MILF age. Posted Sunday 17th June at 23:07 [Comment . Like]

Jarrah Annelli What?? How did you manage that? So it wasn’t double trouble for you yesterday, it was the triple nipple? Posted Sunday 17th June at 23:09 [Comment . Like]

Madeline Cain NYC Cinderella Sure was. I do everything in threes: injuries, bad luck, embarrassment. Why don’t you ask Cain how it got there? Posted Sunday 17th June at 23:11 [Comment . Like]

Cain Michaels The ice sculptor was clearly female, no male artist would have carved a set of the family jewels that poorly. Posted Sunday 17th June at 23:13 [Comment . Like]

Madeline Cain NYC Cinderella The only way you could tell that was by touching them?? Posted Sunday 17th June at 23:17 [Comment . Like]

Cain Michaels The proportions were all off! The real David was a master piece and she butchered it. Posted Sunday 17th June at 23:21 [Comment . Like]

Madeline Cain NYC Cinderella So you decided you would butcher her centrepiece by removing the offending member? Posted Sunday 17th June at 23:26 [Comment . Like]

Richard Arnoou Classy. Posted Sunday 17th June at 23:32 [Comment . Like]

Cain Michaels No! I told you, it just snapped off. Posted Sunday 17th June at 23:34 [Comment . Like]

Kathy Bloomingdale Geez Maddie, what the hell happened? Posted Sunday 17th June at 23:53 [Comment . Like]

My Book Review:

Since I read both books in the series back-to-back, I decided to write one book review that would encompass my thoughts on both books.

The Grand Adventures of Madeline Cain Series is an entertaining set of stories that follows the madcap adventures of Australian Madeline Cain when she comes to New York City and embarks on a journey to become a professional photographer.

Author Emily Craven introduces the reader to Madeline Cain's first six months of adventures in The Grand Adventures of Madeline Cain: Photographer Extraordinaire, book one in the series. She weaves the tale in an intriguing social media format style utilizing the Facebook platform. One would think that it would be hard to follow Madeline as her journey to become a professional photographer is met with hilarious trials and tribulations via her Facebook postings to her followers, but I found myself easily drawn into her story. This lighthearted and amusing story has so many laugh-out-loud moments, it is a delightful story that will keep you engaged and turning the pages as Madeline's zany adventures in the Big Apple are met with a variety of trials and tribulations that simply tickle the funny bone and leave you wanting more.

Just when you think that Madeline can't get herself into any more crazy situations, author Emily Craven entices the reader with Madeline Cain: Adventures in Fashion, the second book in the series. In this book, the story continues with the next six month's of Madeline's adventures while on her journey to become a photographer. More drama, romance, and zaniness are in store for the reader as Madeline takes quirky to a new level when her latest adventures has her tangling with the mob. This quirky Australian sure knows how to get herself in a pickle! I found myself just as entertained and giggling while turning the pages like I did in the first book. The social media Facebook format was easier to follow, I really enjoyed this fresh style of writing a story, it grew on me and I found myself wondering if maybe our own Facebook posts are just as humorous as Madeline's!

The Grand Adventures of Madeline Cain Series is a thoroughly entertaining YA series that is simply crazy good, it will make you laugh, roll your eyes, smile, and leave you wanting more!


Virtual Book Tour 

Tour Schedule:

February 23 - Chick LitPlus – Tour Kickoff
February 25 - Jersey Girl Book Reviews – Review, Q&A & Excerpt
February 25 - Polished and Bubbly – Review & Excerpt 
February 26 - Reeca’s Pieces – Review
February 27 - The East Village - Review 
February 27 - Living Life With Joy – Q&A & Excerpt
March 2- A Blue Million Books – Q&A & Excerpt
March 2 - Ali’s Bookshelf – Review


  1. Thanks so much for hosting Kathleen, its been a blast :)

    1. Hi Emily! Thank you for the opportunity to host your virtual book tour event. I really enjoyed reading both books in the series, Madeline's crazy adventures kept me in stitches. Kudos to writing a story in the Facebook social media platform format. It is a refreshing style of the writing and reading a book. :)

    2. I loved reading stories written in emails as a kid. Originally I tried to write these books in email but then thought, "That's ridiculous. Facebook is where it's at these days." They're so much fun to write, I'm glad you liked them!
