
Monday, April 16, 2012

Author Guest Post: Kathy Lynn Harris, Author of Blue Straggler

In association with Chick Lit Plus, Jersey Girl Book Reviews welcomes Kathy Lynn Harris, author of Blue Straggler!

Sequel To Blue Straggler? hmmm ...
By Kathy Lynn Harris

As Blue Straggler hit the shelves as an eBook and then as a paperback, I've been absolutely delighted by reader responses. (I am completely serious, even though I tend never to use the word, "delighted," in real life.)

The fact is: I can't even explain how much join it brings me that someone I don't know took a chance on my story and ended up not hating me for it. (And I know my mom couldn't have written all those 44 reviews!) Frankly, I'm still not used to having my "baby" out there for the world to see and judge. But it feels darn good when the judgment is positive.

One of the things a lot of readers have been asking about is whether or not I'm working on a sequel to Blue Straggler.

I have to admit that a sequel is something I never even considered with this novel. After finishing the manuscript, I promptly moved on to other storylines and characters for my next novel. But I missed my main characters - Bailey, Rudy and Idamarie - like I'd miss a really good friend who used to drink margaritas with me but who has now moved away.

So now, I'm giving it some thought. Certainly, there are questions left unanswered at the end of Blue Straggler that could be answered with a sequel. I think, though, that the sequel might revolve around Rudy this time, versus Bailey. Rudy is such a quirky, fun character; it would be interesting to drip in on him in his 40s (10 years later than we saw him in Blue Straggler) to see what kind of man he's become. Would Bailey still be in his life? Would Idamarie? Would their friendship be as strong? How would it have changed through the years?

Alright, alright. I think I might just have to pursue this now. Thanks, readers, for letting me know that you'd like the characters in Blue Straggler to live again. Now all I have to do is find a perfectly good plot lying around somewhere.

About The Author:

Kathy Lynn Harris grew up in rural South Texas - and comes from people who work hard, love the land and know how to have a good time on a Saturday night. As a writer, Kathy was lucky to have been surrounded by exceptional characters throughout her life, many of whom have lived their lives exactly the way they wanted. The rest of the world could take 'em or leave 'em! Inspiring, to say the least.

In 2001, Kathy made the move from Texas to the Colorado Rockies to focus on her writing and soak up All Things Mountain. She lives in an authentic log cabin near the southernmost glacier in North America, at 10,500 feet above sea level, with her husband and son, plus two fairly untrainable golden retriever mixes. It is there that she writes.

Kathy Lynn Harris' Blue Straggler Virtual Book Tour Page On Chick Lit Plus

Book Trailer for Blue Straggler

BUY THE BOOK: Blue Straggler

Book Description: Blue Straggler

A blue straggler is a star that has an anomalous blue color and appears to be disconnected from those stars that surround it.

But this is not a story about astronomy. 

Bailey Miller is "disconnected" from the cluster of her rural south Texas family. She has never quite fit in and now in her early 30s, she finds herself struggling with inner turmoil and a series of bad choices in her life. 

Bailey's drinking too much (even for a member of her family), has a penchant to eat spoonfuls of Cool Whip, works in a job that bores her beyond description and can't keep a relationship longer than it takes for milk to expire in her fridge. 

Even with the help of her two outspoken friends, Texas gal Idamarie and her quirky college pal Rudy, sh'es having a hard time.

So she packs up her Honda and heads out of Texas in search of herself and answers to secrets from her great-grandmother's past. The novel takes readers on a journey from San Antonio, Texas, to a small mountain town in Colorado and back again, as Bailey uncovers not only the secrets of her great-grandmother's life, but also some painful secrets of her own. All while finding love along the way.

If you have ever wondered why you got stuck with the family you did, what you are doing with your job and your life, or had a sudden desire to run off to the mountains, sit back and join Bailey for this laugh-out-loud, yet poignant ride. It's women's fiction at it's best!

Blue Straggler Virtual Book Tour Contest

To enter the contest, click on the link below and leave a comment on Kathy Lynn Harris' Blue Straggler Tour Page on Chick Lit Plus, to win a $10 Amazon gift card! If you purchase your copy of Blue Straggler before April 30th and send your receipt to you will get five (5) bonus entries!


  1. Replies
    1. Thank you for the opportunity to host kathy's virtual book tour event for Blue Straggler.

    2. Thank you Kathy for the opportunity to host your virtual book tour event! :)

  2. Wow, this book sounds amazing! Just added it to my TBR pile. Really understand and appreciate what Ms. Harris said about having trouble letting go of characters when you're done writing a book. I've had the same problem with my most recent novel. Looking forward to reading Blue Straggler....

    1. Hi Tara! Thank you for stopping by and leaving a comment. This was a really good book, you're going to love it. :)

  3. Thanks, Tara, for giving Blue Straggler a try. I hope you like quirky characters ... and good luck with your writing, too!
