
Saturday, December 31, 2011

My Year In Review: The Top 10 Books I Read In 2011

As the last few hours of 2011 start to wind down, this has been a great year for reading some very good books! I started the year with the Goodreads Reading Challenge, and my goal was to read 100 books. I surpassed that goal, the final count for books read for 2011 is 112! So from the 112 books that I have read this year, here is my Top 10 favorites:

So what were your Top 10 Books Read for 2011? 

Happy New Year Everyone! I hope that 2012 will bring you many reading pleasures throughout the year! 


  1. Some really interesting books there. Some I've never heard of so will be looking into them.
    I can't believe you've read 112 books! That's fantastic. I did my top 10 but could have added so many more, and seeing you with The Help on the top of your list, I had completely forgotten I'd read that too!
    Thanks for some great reviews this year. Look forward to reading more from your blog next year.

  2. I love to read books that peak my interest, so I guess I have an eclectic taste, a bit from different genres. The challenge was to read between 9-10 books a month, and I stuck to it. lol
    Glad you liked my reviews, I hope to share some more interesting books in 2012! Happy New Year Lisa! :)
