
Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Chick Lit 2012 Reading Challenge

Calling all Chick Lit fans:

A new year will soon be here  ... Chick Lit Plus is hosting the Chick Lit 2012 Reading Challenge! 

Come join our host Samantha, me and the rest of the Chick Lit fans in this fun year long reading fest! 


Challengers will read 12 Chick Lit books throughout 2012. You can read more books from other genres, but you need to read at least 12 chick lit books to count for this challenge.

Two of the 12 books need to be from debut authors, and the debuts should be released in 2012. There is a feature on Chick Lit Plus' blog that will highlight new releases and debuts.

Complete Info / Rules on the Reading Challenge can be found at Chick Lit Plus: