
Saturday, November 12, 2011

Author Guest Post: Kathleen Kole, Author of Dollars to Donuts

In association with Chick Lit Plus (CLP), Jersey Girl Book Reviews welcomes Kathleen Kole, author of Dollars to Donuts!

The theme I am drawn to in my writing.

When pondering the numerous authors whose work I’ve had the privilege to read, it seems to me that each one of them has a “theme” of sorts that they are drawn to when they create their stories.  The theme could be love and romance, or happily-ever-after, or crimes solved, or self-discovery; the list goes on and on.

In that regard, I’d have to say the running theme that manifests in the stories and characters that evolve from my imagination is possibility.  When I step back and take a look at the main characters of my novels (both published and yet-to-be-published) I see that they all carry with them that spark - the one that allows for the possibility to change, grow, transform etc.

If I was to ponder why I believe I’m drawn to that theme, I would hazard to guess it is a result of my very beginnings - the environment in which I was raised. My Mom was a single parent and throughout my childhood the strongest thing I remember, besides the love and support of my family, was being taught that in life anything is possible.  My Mom never questioned possibility for a moment and gave me that very same gift to take with me throughout my adult life.

I still believe that theme to the core of my being.  If we believe in something and give it our focus - then get the heck out of the way and let it arrive - we can create some of, any of, the most amazing things.  It’s all about perspective and remembering that possibility is what gives life, life.

~ Kathleen Kole

1 comment:

  1. I love reading these posts. It's so interesting to find out what authors are drawn to!
