
Friday, November 18, 2011

Author Guest Post: Frank Zaccari, Author of Inside The Spaghetti Bowl!

In association with Pump Up Your Book!, Jersey Girl Book Reviews welcomes Frank Zaccari, author of Inside The Spaghetti Bowl!

Every family goes through difficult times when a loved one becomes ill. Even though your parents have lived a long and meaningful life, it is never easy to see them grow old and sick. “Inside the Spaghetti Bowl” is collaboration with my brothers Anthony and Steve. It is the actual story of our family dealing with the failing health of our mother.
This book is a celebration of life, family, culture and tradition as we document the last eight days of our mother’s life. “Inside the Spaghetti Bowl” shares the tales about the memories, trials and sacrifices made by our parents and grandparents that allowed the family to live the American dream.
The book’s main theme discusses the unconditional love families share through the good and the bad. I hope the readers will see their own family as they catch a glimpse into my family, a family that is always there for each other no matter what the cost.
“Inside the Spaghetti Bowl” discusses specific events that shaped the lives of three generations.  It is not a self-help book, discussing how to cope with aging parents, but simply a story about putting family first.
The inspiration came from the chilling fact that we were probably not the only ones dealing with this unfortunate scenario. As the baby boomer generation ages, so do the parents who raised them.
I was flying across the country to come back to my hometown three times in three months. As I heard the stories regarding the history, traditions, culture, good times and sad times, I knew I was not the only ‘baby boomer’ facing this heartbreaking task. I hope readers see their family in this book, and it makes them smile.”

About Frank Zaccari

A native of western New York, Frank Zaccari earned a degree in finance from California State University at Sacramento after serving as a military medic in the U.S. Air Force. He spent over 25 years in the high-tech industry holding positions from account representative to CEO, and for nearly 20 years specialized in turn-around management of companies under 100 million dollars. Upon becoming a single, custodial parent after nearly 25 years of marriage, he left an industry that he loved to buy a small business in order to be home to raise his children. He is currently the owner of an insurance agency and resides in Sacramento, California. Inside the Spaghetti Bowl is Frank Zaccari’s third book. Previous books are: When the Wife Cheats and From The Ashes: The Rise of the University of Washington Volleyball Program.

Author Website.

About Inside the Spaghetti Bowl

The book is based on the last eight days of our mother’s life. It is a celebration of life, family, culture and tradition. As my relatives came to pay their last respects, we heard so many wonderful stories about the trials and sacrifices made by our parents and grandparents so we could live the American dream.
This is a book about family and unconditional love through the good times and bad. It is about a family who is and always will be there for each other no matter what. We hope you see your family in this book and the memories make you smile.

Giveaways, Contests & Prizes!

Join Frank Zaccari at the Pump Up Your Book Live! November Author Chat / Book Giveaway Party on Friday, November 18 starting at 8 p.m. eastern!
Frank  will be on hand to answer your questions and will be giving away a copy of his book! You could win a paperback copy of Inside the Spaghetti Bowl simply by attending the chat and asking him a question. All there is to it!
For chat details, visit the official chat page for the November authors at Pump Up Your Book Live!

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