
Saturday, October 22, 2011

Author Guest Post: Laura Rodela, Author of Confessions

In association with Virtual Book Tour Cafe (VBTC), Jersey Girl Book Reviews welcomes Laura Rodela, author of Confessions!

Book Marketing Ideas

As I was working on my book and later got it published it didn't hit me that the hardest part was the marketing of my book. I had no disposable income and the marketing packages my publishing company offered, although good, were out of my nearly zero budget. Here are some ideas that I have personally tried and found they worked wonders. Hope they help you with your book marketing efforts.

1. Social Media: If you have a Facebook or Twitter account utilize them to connect with other authors and to market your book. There are writer groups on Facebook you can join and not only can you promote your book but also share ideas with other authors who are also looking to market their books. Create a fan page on Facebook to attract potential readers. Keep your page fun and informative. include other authors work so they can in return promote your work on their fan pages.

2. Blog Talk Radio: do some research on this topic and start sending out requests to radio hosts to have you on their show for an interview. you will be surprised how many do author interviews. this is great exposure for your book.

3. Friends and family: They will be happy you got them involved and should be more than willing to help. writing a review for you on Amazon or other sites where your book is sold is great for your book exposure.

4. Do a virtual book tour: I personally recommend using VBTcafe but you can do research and find what works best for you. this includes guest blogging and author interviews. Imagine the possibilities!.

5. Blog: Create a blog and write about subjects that relate to your book, publishing, marketing and anything related to the industry. it wouldn't hurt to promote other authors. you want to sell your book but you also want to build relationships and network.

A big budget is no longer necessary for effective book marketing. in the virtual world the possibilities are endless. it is all up to you and your imagination. 

                                             ~ Laura Rodela


  1. Hi Kathleen!
    I came from blogfrog to check out your blog and I really like what I see here! What a great blog you have, now I feel inspired! I am your newest GFC follower and also a follower on Networked blogs. I love books, I love reading, especially non fiction.

  2. Thank you Lauren for the kind comment, I appreciate it! :)

  3. Hi! I've explored your blog and it's great! This particular post has me interested because I am in the works of my first book. I followed you through GFC. I look forward to your future endeavors.

    Nancy @ Simple Clockwork

  4. Thank you Nancy for the kind comment. Laura has some great suggestions for new authors! Thank you following my blog! :)
